
Submissions from 2021

Caminantes, Laura Bustamante, Sebastian Bruno-Harris, Jaynilee Hernandez Fernandez, Isabel Gouveia, Diana Larrea, Lauryn Lawrence, Kandy Lopez, Emilio Martinez, Vincent Miranda, Aurora Molina, Roberto Rafael Navarrete, Charo Oquet, Julian Prado, Rosemarie Romero, Izel Vargas, and Joseph Velazques

(0,1)-Matrices Avoiding Certain Patterns, Lei Cao

Blockers of Pattern Avoiding Permutation Matrices, Lei Cao

Pattern Avoiding (0,1)-Matrices, Lei Cao and Richard Brualdi


Health Profession Students’ Learning Outcomes Channeled by the Adoption of a Virtual Classroom, Gesulla Cavanaugh, Melissa Morris, Santanu De, Clarissa Afable, Holly E. Madison, and Jacqueline Marshall

NITROUS OXIDE ADAPTATION ON GENE EXPRESSION IN BREAST CANCER CELLS, Harsh Chheda, Estevan Ruiz Limón López, Zainab Mahmood, Ankit Sharma, Tina Tran, Uzma Abdulbaseer, Farouk Alshatti, and James A. Radosevich

Homecoming, Rebekah Coffman and Amanda Furiasse

Mediation Evaluation Techniques and Human Factors in the New Normal, Harold Coleman, Rebecca Storrow, and Alexia Georgakopoulos

Walking the Tight Rope in Mediation: The Art of Balancing Evaluation Techniques and Human Factors, Harold Coleman, Rebecca Storrow, and Alexia Georgakopoulos


Key Strategies for Effective Pedagogy and Assessment of College STEM Courses Online during COVID-19, Santanu De and Georgina Arguello

Supporting Graduate Writers Across the Disciplines, Veronica Diaz, Clarisse El Khouri, Imani Gibbs, Megan M. Provenzale, Troy Thisler, Janine Morris, and Kevin Dvorak

Emotions and Affect in Tutoring Interactions, Elise Dixon, Rachel Robinson, Lauren Brentnell, Steven J. Corbett, Anna Rita Napoleone, Luke Iantorno, Kelly A. Concannon, and Janine Morris

Transforming the Trump Effect: Peace Education Responses to Rising Authoritarianism, Cheryl Duckworth

Youth Leadership for Peaceful Schools, Cheryl Duckworth

Classroom Resistance: Responses and Innovations in a Time of Rising Authoritarianism, Cheryl Duckworth, Jenny H. Peterson, Juliette Shedd, Borislava Manojlovic, and Mary Schwoebel

The Influence of Winner and Loser Effects on the Outcome of Sporting Competitions, Omar T. Eldakar

Viewing sports performance through the lens of evolutionary biology: winner-loser effects and why only runners get “high”, Omar T. Eldakar


Pathologization of Art: From Carlyle to Swinburne, Aileen M. Farrar

Let’s Get Social: Building Your Newspaper’s Social Media Presence, Megan Fitzgerald Dunn

Intersectionality and Latinx Identity, Yvette Fuentes

Las Narradoras: Hispanic Women Authors, Yvette Fuentes

Writing from the Margins: An Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literature, Yvette Fuentes

Testimonio: Creative Writing Workshop, Yvette Fuentes and Kate Waites


Aliyah: Mapping the Ethiopian Jewish Migration to Israel, Amanda Furiasse

ArcGIS & StoryMaps: Ghost Hunting Expedition Tutorial, Amanda Furiasse

Charting the Flow of Mana: Urban Revivalism as Food Security, Amanda Furiasse

Madagascar’s Miracle: Artemisia and the Race for a Cure to Covid-19, Amanda Furiasse

Mapping Mana: Biblical Hermeneutics, Food Justice, and Humanities GIS, Amanda Furiasse

Medical Humanities: Course Project Showcase, Amanda Furiasse

A Study Investigating Depictions of Workplace Bullying in Hollywood Films, M. Georgo and Alexia Georgakopoulos


Putting the O! in O’Miami: a poetry workshop on the erotic, Tracy Guiteau and Kandy G. Lopez


COVID-19-based Challenges and Countermeasures in Education, Research, and Management in Healthcare and STEM, Jessica Hallett, Stephanie Autore, Michelle Hoang, and Santanu De


New Possibilities in Online Writing Instruction: Considering Student Backgrounds to Achieve Inclusivity, Marcela Hebbard, Catrina Mitchum, and Janine Morris


Education, research, and management in STEM and healthcare: global impacts of COVID-19, Michelle Hoang, Jessica Hallett, Stephanie Autore, and Santanu De


Analysis of Student Learning Gains in a Biochemistry CURE course during the mandatory COVID-19 shift to online learning, Ambika Kapil, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora


Assessment of Student Mastery of Anticipated Learning Outcomes During a BlendFlex STEM CURE Using a Combination of Self-reported and Empirical Analysis, Ambika Kapil, Niraj Pathak, Arthur Sikora, and Santanu De


Spectroscopic Study of Superthin Galaxies and their Dark Matter Halos, Stefan Kautsch, Dmitry Bizyaev, Dimitry Makarov, Vladimir Reshetnikov, Alexander Mosenkov, and Alexandra Antipova

Story Maps: The NSU Center for Humanities and Immigration Stories, David Kilroy and Marlisa Santos

Dance Awareness Day 2021, Elana Lanczi

Strategies for Becoming a Liberatory WAC Program, Adele Leon, Eric House, and Elliot Churilla

Handling Covid-19 Part 2: USA, Germany, Czech Republic, and Holland, Stephen R. Levitt

Handling Covid-19: USA, Holland, Germany, and Canada, Stephen R. Levitt

Using the protein databank to visualize the effect of minor amino acid differences on the function of SARS-CoV monoclonal antibodies, Sanjana Likki, Feza Abbas, Lyla Abbas, Carolina Alzamora, Matthew Hunt, Pujita Julakanti, Christo Mannikkuttiyi, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora

in Tandem: Back/Forth - Ekphrastic, Kandy Lopez

International Women's Day, Kandy Lopez


The Art of the Book, Kandy Lopez


The Illustrated Accordion, Kandy Lopez


Minor Changes with Large Implications: Modeling Amino Acid Mutations in SARS-CoV Monoclonal Antibodies (80R and 362) Towards the Design of More Universal Antibodies, Carol Manikkuttiyil, Feza Abbas, Lyla Abbas, Carolina Alzamora, Matthew Hunt, Pujita Julakanti, Sanjana Likki, Christo Manikkuttiyil, Emily Schmitt Lavin, and Arthur Sikora


Students’ Perceptions of the Role of Technology for Learning in FYW, Catrina Mitchum, Janine Morris, and Marcela Hebbard

Reading, Understanding, and Fighting Fake News, Janine Morris

Mindfulness, Self-Care, and Fostering Well-Being in the Writing Center, Janine Morris and Kelly A. Concannon

Emotions and Affect in Writing Center Administration: A Roundtable on the Emotional Dimensions of Administrative Work, Janine Morris, Kelly A. Concannon, Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Kelin Hull, Elizabeth Leahy, Genie Giaimo, Marilee Brooks-Gilles, Kristi Costello, and Tabatha Simpson-Farrow


From Student to Scholar: Publishing Your Thesis and Dissertation, Janine Morris, Eric Mason, and Mario A. D'Agostino

Find Your B.E.A.T: A Method to Navigating Your Music Career During Times of Change, Jessica Muñiz-Collado


No Boundaries: The Increasing Non-Traditional Opportunities in Music Composition, Jessica Muñiz-Collado


Impacts of Deepwater Horizon on Fish and Fisheries: What Have we Learned about Resilience and Vulnerability in a Coupled Human-Natural System?, S.A. Murawski, C.B. Paris, Tracey Sutton, M. Cockrell, S. O'Farrell, J. Sanchirico, E. Chancellor, and L. Perruso

Lessons Learnt teaching Conflict Analysis and Resolution in Hybrid format, Ismael Muvingi and Crystal Chavis


Visualizing Amino Acid Substitutions in Physicochemical Space for Machine Learning, Louis R. Nemzer

Bacteria Unearthed, A Patel, V Patel, D Krishna, and Aarti Raja

Bacteria Unearthed, A Patel, V Patel, T Sebai, and Aarti Raja


Analysis of student mastery of anticipated learning outcomes during a BlendFlex STEM CURE using a combination of self-reported and empirical analysis, Niraj Pathak, Mariam Tariq, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora

Round Like a Circle in a Spiral: The Movie Poster Art of Film Noir, Marlisa Santos


Zoom Behaviors and Expectations: The Non-Obvious, Judith Slapak-Barski

The Craft of Mediation: Effective Strategies that Also Support Diversity and Inclusion, Rebecca Storrow, Harold Coleman, and Alexia Georgakopoulos


Protonation of Methyl Phenyl Porphyrin Isomers Using UV Spectroscopy, Mamiko Swanson, Isabel De Angelis, Harsh Chheda, Rushi Patel, Raahil Shah, Shreya Patel, and Maria Ballester Ph.D.

Men’s Parallel Responsibility, Vicki Toscano

Politics Now: Insurrection Edition, Charles Zelden

Submissions from 2020


Acting and Singing With Archetypes: Singer-Actor Training, Bill J. Adams

Artist Talk Series, Miriam M. Ahmed


First, Lessons in Typography with Dr. Miriam Ahmed, Miriam M. Ahmed


Typography Education from the Lens of Underrepresented Students, Miriam M. Ahmed


An Analysis of STEM Education at the College Level: Stakeholders’ Perspectives, Georgina Arguello, Santanu De, and Silvia Orta

From Graduate School to (Early) Career: Mentoring and Professionalization of Graduate Students. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Rachel Atherton, Chen Chen, Claire Lutkewitte, Molly J. Scanlon, and Juliette Kitchens

Increasing the frequency of periodic spatial disturbance decreases exotoxin expression in Staphylococcus aureus, Ivana M. Barraza

Conocimientos y habilidades para enfrentar los desafíos de la implementación de los Goles del Desarrollo Sostenible, Elena Bastidas

Uncovering the Source of Bioluminescence in the Pyrosome, Pyrosoma atlanticum, Alexis Berger

WRIT 6000 Defense Workshop, Melissa Bianchi

Ectosymbiotic microbiomes of parasitic nematodes (Ozolaimus megatyphon) and their iguana hosts, Christopher Blanar, David Kerstetter, Daniel Barba, Daniela Cabrera, Jacqueline Santis, and Neha Gupta

Leading Millennial Faculty: Best Practices for Navigating and Surviving the New Professoriate, Shanti Bruce

Large corals and Interventions in a Coral Disease-Ravaged Area, Alysha Brunelle

Modeling the Deep: A Vertically Resolved, End-to-End ECOTRAN Model of the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico, S. Calhoun, K. L. Robinson, J. Ruzicka, F. Hernandez, V. Wang, M. Sutor, Tracey Sutton, and Tracy Ainsworth


Soccer Tournament Matrices, Lei Cao

The Art of Balancing Evaluation Techniques and Human Factors, Harold Coleman, Rebecca Storrow, and Alexia Georgakopoulos

Graduate Students, Mentorship, and the Affective Dimensions of Writing Center Administrative Work, Kelly A. Concannon and Janine Morris

Addressing Data Gaps in Deep-Pelagic Fauna: A Case Study of an Apex Predatory Fish Family in the Meso- and Bathypelagic Domains, April Cook and Tracey Sutton

Microbial Analysis of Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer and Remote Sensing of Associated Slicks, Mikayla L. Craven

The Currency of Climate Change - Tracing carbon through coastal ecosystems, Tyler Cyronak

Finding Murphy: A $200,000 Slocum Glider Saved by a Numerical Ocean Model, Sergio DeRada, Bradley Penta, S. Anderson, Chad Lembke, David English, C. Hu, Tracey Sutton, and April Cook


Anatomy and Physiology Breakout Session / Focus Group, Santanu De


Navigating Healthcare Science Student Learning and Engagement Through Implementation of a Virtual Classroom, Santanu De and Gesulla Cavanaugh

Linking crude oil and dispersant effect to the genetic expression of marine sponge Cinachyrella, Yvain Desplat

Using Track Widths of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtles as a Proxy for Predicting Nesting Characteristics, Kelly M. Detmer

Introduction to the HCNSO Life Sciences Research Symposium, Richard E. Dodge

Truth and Persuasion in the ‘Graveyard of Reputations’: The Joint United States Public Affairs Office during the Vietnam War, Katy Doll

Consideration of Midwater Ecosystems is Required to Fully Evaluate the Environmental Risks of Deep-Sea Mining, Jeffrey C. Drazen, Craig R. Smith, Kristina Gjerde, Steven H. D. Haddock, Glenn S. Carter, Malcolm R. Clark, Anela Choy, Pierre Dutrieux, Erica Goetze, Chris Hauton, Mariko Hatta, J. Anthony Koslow, Astrid Brigitta Leitner, Aude Pacini, Thomas Peacock, Jessica Nicole Perelman, Tracey Sutton, Les Watling, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto

Classrooms Transforming Cultures of Fascism and Authoritarianism: Why IR Scholars Need Dr. Maria Montessori, Cheryl Duckworth

Youth Leadership for Peaceful Schools, Cheryl Duckworth

Classroom Resistance: 21st Century Educational Interventions and Responses to Rising Authoritarianism, Cheryl Duckworth, Mary Schwoebel, Chiranjibi Bhandari, Borislava Manojlovic, Juliette Shedd, and Samantha Borders-Shoemaker

Multi-Tissue Analysis of Heavy Metals in Harbor Seals and Steller Sea Lions, Larry Duffy, Pilar M. Ferdinando, and Dimitri Giarikos


Leading Millennial Faculty: Best Practices for Navigating and Surviving the New Professoriate, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, R Carpenter, and M G. Strawser