Humanities and Politics Faculty Articles | Department Humanities and Politics | Nova Southeastern University


Submissions from 2023


Gothic Fairy-Tale Feminism: The Rise of Eyre/‘Error’, Aileen M. Farrar

Hello World: Digital Media and the Search for Interplanetary Life on Religion’s Final Frontier, Amanda Furiasse


Sailing on Encrypted Seas: The Archive and Digital Memory in African and Diasporic Futurism, Amanda Furiasse

Transformation in Medicine, Janet Lynn Roseman-Halsband, Amanda Furiasse, Jia Jennifer Ding, Nina “Anin” Utigaard, Arkene Levy, and Judith Thompson


Remembering Buster Keaton and “The Navigator” (1924), Yair Solan

Submissions from 2022


Rossetti’s Epic Breast: Domesticity and Heroism, Aileen M. Farrar


Madagascar's Green Gold: Nature Religion, Biotechnology, and the Global Race against Covid-19, Amanda Furiasse


Reviewing the Ethics and Philosophy Behind Social Media's Crowdsourced Panopticon, Amanda Furiasse


The Banality of Big Data: A Review of Discriminating Data, Amanda Furiasse


Under Oshun's Gaze, Amanda Furiasse


[Book Review] Constitutional Courts in Comparison: The U.S. Supreme Court and the German Federal Constitutional Court (by Ralf Rogowski and Thomas Gawron, eds), Stephen R. Levitt


(Book Review) Rise: A Pop History of Asian America from the Nineties to Now, Ying Ma

Reasoning about Death in Biomedical Decision-Making, Jeremy Weissman

Submissions from 2021


Johnson, Sir William, James Doan

Choice Book Review: Wylie, Lesley. The poetics of plants in Spanish American literature., Yvette Fuentes

An Afro-centric Approach to Public Health: Africana Religions and Public Health in Graduate Education, Amanda Furiasse

In Defense of Slowing Down, Amanda Furiasse


Racial Purity and Dangerous Bodies: Moral Pollution, Black Lives, and the Struggle for Justice by Rima Vesely-Flad (review), Amanda Furiasse

Dance in African Islam, Amanda Furiasse and Sher Afgan Tareen

“In the Pull of Memory”: Noir’s Legacy of Amnesia in Tough Guys Don’t Dance, Marlisa Santos

Submissions from 2020

Choice Book Review: Aquí and allá: transnational Dominican theater and performance, Yvette Fuentes

Mapping Hispaniola: Third Space in Dominican and Haitian Literature by Megan Jeanette Myers, Yvette Fuentes

[Book Review] "Facing Barriers: Palestinian Women in a Jewish-Dominated Labor Market," by Vered Kraus and Yuval P. Yonay, Amanda Furiasse

Ethiopian Jews, Amanda Furiasse

Higher Ed's Looming Women's Crisis, Amanda Furiasse


Dangerous Tales: Antiabortion Narratives and the U.S. Supreme Court, Vicki L. Toscano

Submissions from 2019

[Book Review] The Psychological War for Vietnam, 1960–1968, by Mervyn Edwin Roberts III, Katy Doll

Gothic Imagination in Latin American Fiction and Film by Carmen A. Serrano, Yvette Fuentes


Vagueness, Darren Hibbs


Protecting Life is Not Just a Woman’s Job, Vicki L. Toscano


Supreme Court to Hear a Dangerous Louisiana Abortion Case for Those Who Support a Woman’s Right to Choose, Vicki L. Toscano


Genetic Editing: The Marvels and Concerns of a Revolutionary Technology, Vicki L. Toscano and Samiksha Prasad

P2P surveillance in the global village, Jeremy Weissman

Vulnerability and Obligation in Science and Medicine, Jeremy Weissman

Submissions from 2018

Choice Book Review: Latinx Writing Los Angeles: Nonfiction Dispatches from a Decolonial Rebellion, Yvette Fuentes


An Old Dodge, Christine Jackson


Blind, Christine Jackson


Disorder In Key West, Christine Jackson

Shadow, Christine Jackson


Can Humans and Robots Be Friends?, Ben Mulvey


The Venus Monologues, Andrea E. Shaw Nevins

What the Veriscope Saw: Stephen Crane, the Prizefight Film, and Unreliable Spectatorship, Yair Solan

Submissions from 2017


[Book Review] The Headless Horseman of Booger Holler and Other Dover Tales By Mindy Campbell Hudson, James Doan

Choice Book Review: Only the Road/Solo el camino: Eight Decades of Cuban Poetry, Yvette Fuentes

Oshun’s Daughters: The Search for Womanhood in the Americas by Vanessa K. Valdés, Yvette Fuentes


Coltrane on a Friday Night, Christine Jackson


Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives, Ben Mulvey


“How Do You Feel About Writing Dissents”? Thurgood Marshall's Dissenting Vision for America, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 2016


Wuthering Heights: Dreams of Equilibrium in Physiology and Physics, Aileen M. Farrar

Book Review: Mínima Cuba: Heretical Poetics and Power in Post-Soviet Cuba, Yvette Fuentes

Choice Book Review: Documenting the Undocumented: Latino/a Narratives and Social Justice in the Era of Operation Gatekeeper, Yvette Fuentes

Choice Book Review: Freedom from Liberation: Slavery, Sentiment, and Literature in Cuba, Yvette Fuentes

Choice Book Review: Reading Junot Díaz, Yvette Fuentes


Dialogic Aspects of the Cuban Novel of the 1990s, Yvette Fuentes

Book Review: Toward a Multicultural Configuration of Spain: Local Cities, Global Spaces ed. by Ana Corbalán, and Ellen Mayock (review), Joanne Pol


[Book Review] Modernism, Media, and the Virtual, Yair Solan


Housebreakers and Peeping Toms: Voyeurism in John Cheever’s Early Suburban Stories, Yair Solan


Trump's abortion remarks remind us to seek solutions that don't harm women, Vicki Toscano


[Book Review] Toscano on Schoen, 'Abortion after Roe: Abortion after Legalization', Vicki L. Toscano

Submissions from 2015


Cut from the Same Cloth: The US Textile and Apparel Industry and Post-Disaster Designs for Haiti, Ransford Edwards Jr.


Earth Sound Earth Signal: Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts, Aileen M. Farrar

Book Review: Palabras sin velo: Entrevistas y cuentos de escritoras cubanas by Helen Hernández Hormilla, Yvette Fuentes

Poetry of Haitian Independence, Yvette Fuentes

Prophetic Visions of the Past: Pan-Caribbean Representations of the Haitian Revolution, Yvette Fuentes

Re-imagining Home: Operation Pedro Pan in the Cuban-American Imaginary, Yvette Fuentes

Reimagining the Caribbean: Conversations among the Creole, English, French and Spanish Caribbean by Valérie K. Orlando and Sandra Messinger Cypess, eds., Yvette Fuentes


Evolved Morality: The Biology and Philosophy of Human Conscience, Ben Mulvey


The Domestication of Language: Cultural Evolution and the Uniqueness of the Human Animal, Ben Mulvey

Book Review: A Locker Room of Her Own: Celebrity Sexuality and Female Athletes. David Ogden and Joel Nathan Rosen, eds., Joanne Pol

Book Review: Tornasol: Guía para la interpretación de textos literarios y cine. Sobejano-Morán, Antonio., Joanne Pol


Un estudio queer de tiempos históricos: David y Jonatán, Joanne Pol


"These Two Pretty Children / Flew Away": Myth and Migration in the Night of the Hunter, Marlisa Santos


[Book Review] Toscano on Wilson, 'The Street Politics of Abortion: Speech, Violence, and America's Culture Wars', Vicki L. Toscano


Forced Sonograms and Compelled Speech Abortion Regulations: A Constitutional Analysis, Vicki L. Toscano


Sarah Polley's Documemoir "Stories We Tell": The Refracted Subject, Kathleen J. Waites


Teaching the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 2014


Literacy and Orality in Eighteenth-Century Irish Song, James E. Doan

Memory and Myths of the Norman Conquest, James E. Doan


Possessed by the Devil: The Real History of the Islandmagee Witches and Ireland's Only Mass Witchcraft Trial, James E. Doan


Counterpoint of Two Cubanazos: The Representation of Masculine Discourse in El hombre, la hembra y el hambre, Yvette Fuentes

Cuba Inside Out: Revolution and Contemporary Theatre by Yael Prizant, Yvette Fuentes

Masculinity after Trujillo: The Politics of Gender in Dominican Literature by Maja Horn, Yvette Fuentes

Migrant Modernism: Postwar London and the West Indian Novel by Dillon J. Brown, Yvette Fuentes

Pathologies of Paradise: Caribbean Detours by Supriya M. Nair, Yvette Fuentes


Re-imagining Home: Operation Pedro Pan in the Cuban-American Imaginary, Yvette Fuentes


[Book Review] "A Plea of Humanity to Law" Review of Hofmann, Tom, Benjamin Ferencz, Nuremberg Prosecutor and Peace Advocate, Stephen R. Levitt


Pursuits of Wisdom: Six Ways of Life in Ancient Philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus, Ben Mulvey


The Roman Search for Wisdom, Ben Mulvey


In Search of Grape Ape, Andrea E. Shaw Nevins


“The Gaze of the Natives”: Visualizing Reggae Music as CD Artwork, Andrea Elizabeth Shaw-Nevins


Upholding a 40-Year-Old Promise: Why the Texas Sonogram Act is Unlawful According to Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Vicki L. Toscano and Elizabeth Reiter


Lulu and the Mechanization of Homo sapiens, Jeremy Weissman

Submissions from 2013

Fògradh, Fàisneachd, Filidheacht: An t-Urr. Donnchadh Blàrach (1815-1893) ann am Mac-Talla. Parting, Prophecy, Poetry: Rev. Duncan Blair (1815-1893) in Mac-Talla, Translated and edited by John A. Macpherson and Michael Linkletter, James E. Doan


Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples: Canada, The United States, New Zealand, and Australia, James E. Doan

Dreaming in Russian: The Cuban Soviet Imaginary by Jacqueline Loss by Jacqueline Loss, Yvette Fuentes


Género, Nación y Literatura: Emilia Pardo Bazán en la literatura gallega y española by Carmen Pereira-Muro, Yvette Fuentes


Making the Invisible, Visible: The Body and the Nation in Laura Ruiz Montes’ A Ciegas, Yvette Fuentes

Charles Young: The Talented Tenth and American Empire, David Kilroy


Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy can Lead Us to a More Meaningful Life, Ben Mulvey


Aristotle on Practical Wisdom: Nicomachean Ethics VI, Ben Mulvey