NSU Grant Awards | Nova Southeastern University

This is a maintained list of direct federal awards (and some additional grants) active from 2020 for Nova Southeastern University. Presently, only direct federal grants are uploaded by the series manager. NSU Faculty can upload information about additional grant awards (historical or active) via the link located on the right-hand side of this page that says “Submit”  under “Author Corner.” 

You can search this list of awards by using the search box located on the right-hand side of this page indicated by “Enter search terms.” You can search by project titles, authors, colleges, and other relevant keywords.

For more information please contact GRANTLAB@nova.edu.



NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2024

Improving Technologically Savvy (T-SAVVY) Soldiers’ Cybersecurity Skills and Competencies Through Human Guided Generative AI, Yair Levy

Optimizing the Validity of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness to Predict Disordered Eating, Janell Lynn Mensinger

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2023

Sex-based differences of a high fat diet in Alzheimer's disease (AD): Can nilotinib reverse bioenergetic and neuropathological deficits?, Benedict Albensi

Research Developers as Hubs of Support to Launch and Level Up Faculty’s Research Careers and Nurturing Institutional Ecosystems, Melanie Bauer

Optimizing Light Spectrum to Upscale Grow-out of Coral Recruits for Restoration, Joana Cordeiro Figueiredo

Florida 2100: Tales of Tomorrow, Amanda Furiasse

U-RISE at Nova Southeastern University, Peter Gannett

Levan Center Mobile Innovation Unit, Teresa Grandal

Impact of Diabetes Hyperglycemia on Peri-Implantitis, Xiaozhe Han

P. Gingivalis Effect on Periodontal Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Alireza Heidari

Pen to Purpose: Cultivating Writing as a Brand of Professionalism, James Hutchens

PROSPERITY-Promoting and Reinforcing Offerings, Supports, and Practices Engendering Resiliency through Inclusive Techniques and Community, Meline Kevorkian

SHARK TAILS: Success for Hispanics in Academics, Research, and Knowledge Through Administration of Integrated Learning Supports, Meline Kevorkian

Quarantine of Coral Rescue Maintenance Animals, Dorothy Ellen Renegar

National Coral Reef Institute NOAA Earmark, Bernhard Riegl

Effects of mild traumatic brain injury in a mouse model of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Lisa Robison

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part F Community Based Dental Partnership Program, Mark Schweizer

Mechanosensing of Osteoclasts in Periodontitis, Satoru Shindo

Adaptive Computing Models for Cybersecurity Threats and Information Analysis, Gregory Simco

South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility and Nova Southeastern University Coastal Environmental Research Cong Add FY2022, Alexander Soloviev

South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility and Nova Southeastern University Coastal Environmental Research Cong Add FY2023, Alexander Soloviev

Epigenetic and Non-Epigenetic Role of SIRT1 in Fluoride-Induced Cell Stress, Maiko Suzuki

Health Effects of the Fluorinated Pollutants; PFAS on Enamel Development, Maiko Suzuki

Combined Respiratory Training to Improve Pulmonary and Cough Function in Persons with ALS, Lauren Tabor Gray

Support of the National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program – Year 1 (2024-2026 Fellowship), Wendy Wood-Derrer

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2022

Identifying the Role of Mind Wandering in Stress Related Changes in Executive Attention and Inflammation, Jonathan Banks and Jaime Tartar

EAGER GERMINATION Collaborative Research: Leveraging a Research Development Professional Network to Catalyze Statewide Innovative and Societally Relevant Research, Melanie Bauer, Roxana Ross, and Matthew Johnston

STEAHMIT: South East Area Hazardous Maritime Instructor Training, Darren Cohen

Conference 2021 AHMB MINDS Conference Grant, Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez

Collaborative Research: Visual Adaptation in Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp the Therole in Feeding Modalities and Habitat Selection, Tamara Frank

Levan Center Emerging Technologies, Teresa Grandal

Regulatory B Cells in the Amelioration of Immune-mediated Periodontal Disease, Xiaozhe Han

HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Co-Curricular Strategies to Support Academically Challenged Diverse Undergraduate STEM Majors, Meline Kevorkian

The Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Healthy Lifestyle Intervention for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Jeffrey Kibler

Collaborative Research: Sustainable CURE Implementation: Characterizing the Role of Flexible Design and Instructor Supports Across Diverse Institution Types, Arthur Sikora

CISE-MSI: RCBP-ED: SaTC: Increasing Cybersecurity Research Capacity and Support Services for Underrepresented Computer Science and Information Technology Majors, Gregory Simco

A Proteomics Approach to Identify Novel Biopesticides in Oomycete Secretomes, Aurelien Tartar

Linking Environmental, Ecological, Anthropogenic and Host-specific Drivers to Stony Coral Condition on Florida's Coral Reef (FCR) in the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem and Conservation Area (ECA), Brian K. Walker

CRNR-NSU-2022-5 National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program 2022, Wendy Wood Derrer

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2021

Machine Learning and Network Modeling in Gulf War Illness Paradigm, Travis Craddock

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant (Immersive Learning Virtual Medical Education - (ILVME)), Marie Florent-Carre

Nova Southeastern University Assistance with Area-Wide Project for Integrated Management Addressing Waterhyacinth (Pontederia Crassipes), Jeffrey Matthew Hoch

IRES Track II: Systems-based Transdisciplinary Approaches to Coral Reef Science and Conservation, Lauren Nadler and Tyler Cyronak

Immune Dysregulation in GWI, Lubov Nathanson

Does Growth Efficiency Determine the Inoculum Effect?, Robert Smith

Support of the National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program – Year 1 (2022-2024 Fellowship), Wendy Wood-Derrer

Founder's Journey, Patricia Young

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2020

Novel Recombinant Streptococcus Mitis as an Oral Vaccine against HIV/AIDS, Mark Cayabyab

U.S. Geological Survey Florida Water Science Center 33, Richard Dodge

Project SEAMIST (South East Area Marine Industry Safety Training), Stephen Grant

Osteoimmunology of Retarded Bone Regeneration in Periodontitis, Toshihisa Kawai

POC Biosensor for Periodontitis, Toshihisa Kawai

NSU SHARKS: Supporting Hispanic Academics, Research, Knowledge, and Success, Meline Kevorkian

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): A Sequelae of COVID 19 Infection, Nancy Klimas

In Vivo Efficacy Evaluation of Novel Melanoma Actives, Dmitriy Minond

Nova Southeastern University - CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Minority Serving Institutions, Harry Moon

Nova Southeastern University - CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Institutional Funds, Harry Moon

Role of Periodontal Bacteria-derived Dihydroceramides in Alzheimer's Disease, Alexandru Movila

Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene, Romer Ocanto

Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program COVID, Naushira Pandya

Interprofessional Substance Use Disorder Education: Implementation of a Required Program to Improve Knowledge of Entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy and Medicine Students in a Hispanic-serving Institution, Devada Singh

Support of the National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program, Wendy Wood-Derrer

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2019

Collaborative Research: Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Vector-borne Diseases in Florida: The Case of Zika Outbreak in 2016, Jing Chen

Understanding Harmful Algal Blooms-Temporal and Spatial Characterization of Microbial Communities from Lake Okeechobee, Jose Lopez

Ceramide-Mediated Pathology in Age-Associated Periodontitis, Alexandru Movila

Impact of Acid Ceramidase Activity on MIF-mediated Migration of Circulating Osteoclast Precursors to Periodontal Bone Lesions in Relation to Aging, Alexandru Movila

Impact of Aging on Intracellular Ceramide-mediated Periodontal Bone Lesions, Alexandru Movila

Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program, Naushira Pandya

Innovations in Computer Science Success for Hispanic and Other Underrepresented Graduate Students, Gregory Simco

Trends and Drivers of Faunal Abundance in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico: Narrowing the Largest Data Gap in the Gulf's Large Marine Ecosystem, Tracey Sutton

SE FL Reef-building-coral Response to Broader-scale Coral Disease Intervention to Aid in the Identification, Brian Walker

Support of the National Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program, Wendy Wood-Derrer

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2018

Modulation of Therapautic Cells Exosome Content by Autophagy, Vladimir Beljanski

Role of Platelets in Periodontal Bone Remodeling, Toshihisa Kawai

Doctoral Bound: Computer Science and Information Assurance PhD Fellowship Program, Meline Kevorkian

The Gulf War Illness Clinical Trials and Interventions Consortium (GWICTIC), Nancy Klimas

2018 Emergency Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education, Seth Mangasarian

Immunomodulation in GWI, Lubov Nathanson

Community Based Dental Partnership Program, Mark Schweizer

Using Periodic Spatial Disturbance to Manipulate Cooperation in Bacteria, Robert Smith

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2017

Cooperation and Alignment of Services to Engage Hispanic and Low Income Transfer and Native Students Pursuing High Interest/High Demand STEM Fields, Meline Kevorkian

The Use of B-Cell Depletion Therapy (BCDT) in Gulf War Illness: A Phase 1/2 Study, Nancy Klimas

Genomic Approach to Find Female-Specific Mechanisms of GWI Pathobiology, Lubov Nathanson

Predoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene, Romer Ocanto

Growth Hormone Releasing (GHRH) Antagonist:Evaluation of Beneficial Effects for Gulf War Illness, Luis Salguiero

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2016

Disentangling the Effects of PTSD from GWI for Improved Diagnostics and Treatments, Travis Craddock

Improving Diagnostics and Treatments for GWI Females by Accounting for the Effects of PTSD, Travis Craddock

Persistently Elevated Somatic Mutation as a Biomarker for Clinically Relevant Exposures in GWI, Stephen Grant

Health Literacy Assessment and Intervention to Reduce Disparities - FLIGHT/VIDAS II, Raymond Ownby

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2015

Testing the Model A Phase I/II Randomnized Double Blind Placebo Control Trial of Targeted Therapeutics Liposomal Glutathione and Curcumin, Richard Deth

NSU Grant Award Abstracts from 2013

Understanding Gulf War Illness: An Integrative Modeling Approach, Mariana Morris