"CISE-MSI: RCBP-ED: SaTC: Increasing Cybersecurity Research Capacity an" by Gregory Simco

CISE-MSI: RCBP-ED: SaTC: Increasing Cybersecurity Research Capacity and Support Services for Underrepresented Computer Science and Information Technology Majors

Principal Investigator/Project Director

Gregory Simco

Colleges / Centers

College of Computing and Engineering


National Science Foundation

Start Date



The project goal is to enhance the capacity of the CCE to engage undergraduate and graduate computing and IT majors in the research enterprise by expanding faculty use of technology systems and research informed instructional approaches designed to broaden the participation and success of all students, including those who are underrepresented in STEM. Project objectives are to develop curriculum content that increases student access to advanced tools and resources to bolster preparation for and participation in cybersecurity-related research activities for computing students enrolled in BS and BS/MS dual admission degree programs, and to expand the participation of underrepresented undergraduate and graduate computing students in high-quality, authentic in-person and online research experiences by increasing NSU’s research capacity and support system infrastructure using strategies known to be effective with students from diverse backgrounds. Project outcomes are to develop a minimum of 6 new in-person and online cybersecurity research activities of varying complexity that utilize the CCE Cyber Range lab, to complete a review of the new cybersecurity research experiences by government and industry representatives to ensure relevance as related to timely, reactive, and secure information management systems, and to incorporate the new Cyber Range research experiences into 6 existing courses. The focus of project activities is to help students apply lecture content learned in the classroom by developing new Cyber Range lab research activities on how to improve the safety and security of critical applications, systems, and data, focusing on building secure system architectures, securing critical components, and examining attack patterns through simulations, including use of artificial intelligence and data analytics. Activities also include co-curricular programming in the form of seminars, experiential learning events, and mentoring to further engage and motivate students.

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