Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Computers, Programmed Instructions, Microcomputers, Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Manager Instruction, Computer Oriented Programs, Computerized Instruction, Music, Music History, Romanticism, Neoclassicism, Contemporary Periods, Musical Composition, Music Composer, Baroque, History, History Instruction, Elementary Education, Intermediate Grades, Grade 5


A team effort led by the author developed and implemented a model program designed to improve fifth grade students’ knowledge of music history through computer- assisted instruction. The goals of the program were to have the student be able to identify the different periods of music history, music styles of those periods, composers and various writing styles of the composers. The program contained four basic components: pre-test, implementation, post-test and results. After the fifth grade students were randomly chosen, a pre-test was conducted and the implementation began. Following the implementation period the author conducted a post-test, the findings of the post-test indicated the model program has helped to improve the students’ knowledge of music history, the model program received favorable comments from the students, teachers and parents and was recommended to be used in similar settings, (appendices include a letter to the parents, a schedule of activities, the pre-test, the post-test and comments regarding this program from the students.)

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