Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Literature, Reading Comprehension, Reading Instruction, Newspapers, Textbooks, English Curriculum, Material Development, English Instruction, Reading Writing Relationship, Vocabulary Skills, Vocabulary Instruction, Reading Materials, Reading Difficulties


The practitioner developed and implemented an alternative to standard textbook/packet learning, Ninth graders, who were proven by testing as being deficient in four basic reading skills (stated main idea, implied main idea, fact/opinion, and following written directions), were remediated by utilization of the newspaper as a learning material source. The remediation program featured a multitude of newspaper-related activities, Four specific units emphasizing each of the targeted skills were featured in ninth grade high school English classes over a 10-week development period. A pretest and posttest concept was utilized for summative evaluation. Formative evaluation devices (logs, surveys) were used as well. Results displayed favorable gains. Immense attitudinal and cognitive progress was especially evident. The newspaper as a material source was recommended for additional skill use. (Appendices include all necessary agendas/outlines needed to implement the program for 10 weeks.)

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