Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Educational Leadership, Elementary, General Administration, Media, Parents, Students, Teachers


The author researched and adapted ways to promote responsibility for library books. The program's aims were to reduce and retrieve lost library books that were reported on the inventory check and to make students, parents, and teachers aware of the problems and the importance of being responsible library users. Introduction to the project was done in three stages. Presentations were made to staff (team) leaders who presented the plan to team members. Intercom announcements were made to the student body. Project intentions were explained to parents via the school newsletters. By the end of the project fewer books were missing than had previously been reported. Students showed an awareness for the importance of being responsible about books through their actions and behavior. This is illustrated by an entire grade level returning all library books before the last day of school. (Appendices include classroom activities, book lists, newsletter information, and figures indicating decreases in book loss.)

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