Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This study compared the achievement scores between tactical loader trainees who use slide/ tape as opposed to those who do not. As a part of tactical loader driver licensing program, on-the-job (OJT) trainees attend an informal lecture and take a multiple choice final examination. The tactical loader slide/tape is not used by vehicle instructors even though it teaches the same lesson objectives as the informal lecture. Since instructors were not taking advantage of the slide/tape, it was determined that a study to determine that effectiveness of the tactical loader slide/tape as compared to the informal lecture would facilitate use of slide/tape. The research question considered was whether OJT trainees exposed to slide/tape demonstrate greater academic achievement than OJT trainees exposed to informal lecture. The null hypothesis was that the two means do not differ significantly. The subjects for this study were thirty OJT trainees seeking driver’s license on the tactical loader. The experimental group was composed of the first fifteen trainees who applied for a driver's license after January 1,1985. The control group was composed of the next fifteen trainees who applied for a driver's license after the experimental group applied. The experimental group viewed a slide/tape on the tactical leader and were given a written test. The control group received an informal lecture and were given a written test. Mean achievement scores for both groups were obtained from the Basic Driver School’s standardized examination. A statistical analysis utilizing the independent t test revealed that the calculated t value did not exceed the critical t value at the 0.05 level of significance. OJT trainees who used slide/tape scored 3.6 percentage points higher than those trainees who did not use slide/tape. The null hypothesis that the two means do not differ significantly was accepted. The slide/tape affected the academic performance of OJT trainees, but not substantial enough to be considered a major change in achievement. The slide/tape proved to be as effective but not superior than the informal lecture. As a result of the findings it was recommended: 1. That the training staff be briefed on the study. 2. That the training department revise the Master Job Qualifications Standard to authorize the tactical loader slide/tape as a substitute for the informal lecture. 3. That the tactical loader lessons plan be updated with slide/ tape as a supplement to the lesson plan. 4. That all vehicle slide/tape programs filed in the unit learning center library be screened for their applicability as substitutes and supplements to appropriate vehicle lesson plans.

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