Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Individual Educational P1ans, IEPs Non-Content Specific IEPs, Enabling IEPs.


Content specific lEPs address curriculum which is assumed the same for all students. Individual needs and "how" the student can benefit form the instructional setting and art the unique needs of the exceptional student. This methodology for writing IEPs is called "enabling skills." This practicum sought to focus teachers' writing of IEPs from content specific IEPs to enabling IEPs. A target school was selected where 89 percent of IEPs written were content specific only (individual needs and enabling skills Nere not addressed). A three hour inservice workshop and module was developed to explain the intent of individual Educational Planning under P.I. 94-142. This major thrust of the plan, however, was explanation, interpretation, and implementation.

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