Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Behavioral Change, Behavioral Rating Scales, Behavior Modification, Self Control, Learning Disabilities, Learning Problems, Special Education, Educationally Disadvantaged, Mathematics, Mathematic Instruction, Mathematics Achievement, Mathematics Education, Secondary School, Academic Performance, Developmental Disabilities, Junior High Schools, Management.


The author developed and implemented a behavior management program designed to aide learning disabled (LD) students in a large metropolitan school district. The objectives of the program were to help the LD students increase their grade level performance skills in mathematics, to reduce inappropriate behaviors which were interfering with their learning, and to assist the students in the development of a positive attitude toward mathematics, themselves, peers, adults and the school. The identified behaviors were: Tardiness to class, Walking around aimlessly, Unprepared for class, Talking out, Drawing and/or writing on tables, walls, desks and other school materials. The components of this program were: Orientation, Implementation, Evaluation and Recommendations. After pretest and baseline data was collected on the identified behaviors, a behavior management system was set up. The planning and program activities involved each student. Students became monitors of their own behavior using the technique of self monitoring of behavior. Learning Centers were constructed and students were assigned to these centers for specialized instructions. After 10 weeks of intensive instructions, practice drills, remediation and reinforcements, the target group of 30 students increased their mathematics academic skills and reduced the inappropriate behaviors. The results were more successful than anticipated, and it was recommended that this model be used in the school district’s program for LD students. The Annotated Bibliography had a variety of resources consulted. The Appendices included samples of implementation materials used in the program, and a dissemination package of base materials was provided to f facilitate sharing essential elements of this practicum with others.

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