Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Discipline, Academic Failure, Suspension, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Motivation Techniques, Saturday School, Exceptional Student Education, Internal Suspension Room, Incentives


The author developed and implemented a model program to reduce the number of external suspensions in a middle school. The program's aims were to make sure that disciplinary actions such as suspension did not interfere with a handicapped student's rights to an appropriate education, and to reduce the total number of external suspensions focusing on exceptional students. The program contained three basic components: a suspension module, suspension red,1ction techniques, and computerizing data base management of all suspension data. After school staff were inserviced on proper suspension procedures a consistent administrative discipline plan was implemented. This plan consisted of non-violent crisis intervention techniques, Saturday school and the provision for a counseling component added to the internal suspension room. Collected data concluded that the targeted school was able to reduce their number of suspensions through the use of this administrative plan. The model was recommended to be used in other schools where suspension was excessive. Several writing teams were developed to enhance this program. The counseling component of this practicum will be piloted in 5 middle schools as the peer counseling component of internal suspension. (Appendices include suspension data, schoolwide discipline guidelines, a point card for internal suspension rooms, agenda items, and computerized data sheet.)

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