Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Self-esteem, Student Attitudes, Self-Concepts; Social Status, Peer Groups, Adolescence, Acceptance, Learning Disabilities, Social Interaction, Secondary Socialization, Peer Relationships, Social Behavior, Social Development, Interpersonal Competence.


Learning disabled students at the secondary level have inferior socialization skills with peer groups and poor self-perceptual skills. Studies indicate that socialization appears to be the keystone of adolescent development. Evaluative instruments employed to discern interpersonal and socialization skills were the IPAT-Anxiety Scale Questionnaire Test-Self-Analysis Form (Cattell, Krug, Scheier) and the Self-Inventory (Simon-Howe-Kirschenbaum). Peer Counseling, observations, filmstrips and guest speakers were utilized to implement this socialization. skills program. Results indicated improved self-esteem, increased communication with peer groups and more positive attitudes toward self and others. (Appendices include sample instruments and student data.)

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