Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The Dowling College Master of Business Administration program and curriculum was developed in 1976 to meet the specific needs of the Long Island business community. No major effort had since been made to improve the program nor had any survey been conducted to determine the program's effectiveness or student and/or alumni needs and attitudes. The purpose of this project was to develop a strategic plan to improve the quality of the MBA program and to ensure that Dowling's educators continue their commitment to quality education, to the Long Island business community, and to the graduate students. The focus was on the issue of specialization in the program, the importance of the curriculum to students ' and graduates' careers, the quality of instruction, and the quality of college facilities and services. In order to ascertain the perceptions of various groups regarding these issues, surveys were conducted of the currently registered students in attendance during a preselected week, a random sample of one-half of the alumni, and the twelve Business Administration Division faculty. The percept ions obtained were tabulated, presented and used as the basis for a strategic plan for curriculum development, modification and/ or discontinuance. Thus Dowling College educators may strengthen the Master of Business Administration program, enhance the quality of instruction in the program, satisfy the needs of Dowling's various constituencies and continue to provide well-trained and well-educated employees, managers and leaders to the Long Island business community. The views obtained disclosed perceptions of the strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) in, the opportunities (0) for and threats (T) to the MBA program. Dowling's faculty must take advantage of these strengths to overcome the weaknesses and threats and take advantage of the opportunities for future development and growth. This plan includes the following elements: 1. A brief discussion of the current situation within the Master of Business Administration program at Dowling College. 2. Goals and objectives of the Master of Business Administration program. 3. Recommendations for new specializations. 4. Recommendations for the development of new courses deemed important to the careers of students and graduates. 5. Recommendations for the modification and improvement of existing courses. 6. Recommendations for the discontinuance of existing courses now deemed no longer important to the careers of students and graduates. 7. Recommendations regarding improvement in the quality of instruction in the program and the introduction of case studies into more courses. 8. Recommendations regarding improvement in college facilities and/or services. 9. Implementation strategies and time tables. 10. Recommendations for periodic evaluation and feedback. The implementation of this strategic plan will make Dowling Colleens Master of Business Administration program one that serves its constituencies well and maintains the integrity of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

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