Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Gifted Education, Odyssey of the Mind, Creativity, Creative Problem Solving, Program Implementation, Creative Problem Solving Strategies, Divergent Thinking, Parent Volunteers, Extracurricular Activities, Higher Level Thinking Skills.


As an extracurricular activity. The Odyssey of the Mind program was offered to any student whose needs transcended the academic program, who needed more creativity, higher level thinking skills, and group interaction. Volunteer parent coaches provided creative problem solving techniques to groups of five to seven children, supplementing and transcending the academic skills being taught in the classroom. The Torrance Test of Creativity, (1974) administered at the inception and conclusion of the four month program, indicated that students increased their creativity in originality and elaboration. Informal questionnaires completed by coaches and students reflected improvement in the affective domain. Students demonstrated positive growth in enhanced self-esteem group cooperation, increased leadership skills, and creative problem solving skills based upon their own perception, coaches' evaluations, anecdotes, and team performances as State Competition. The demonstrated success of the Odyssey of the Mind program warrants its continuation at this school since it meets the special needs of highly creative students. Appendices include lesson plans, administrative materials, and an implementation guide.

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