Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Physical agility test are viewed as essential in screening candidates for employment as firefighters, but such tests ten to eliminate an inordinate number of firefighter prospects, and virtually all female candidates. Crafton Hills College personnel addressed this problem by providing a structural remedial physical training program for individuals scheduled to take the firefighter physical agility test. The hypothesis for this study was that there would be a significant improvement in the test scores on a standardized physical agility test for firefighter candidates who completed the remedial physical training course, other statistical studies have indicated that a pre-test physical training program would improve performance. A dependent t-test was conducted on pre-test and post-tests mean scores achieved on the standardized physical agility test by 26 students who participated in an eight week remedial physical training program offered at Crafton Hills College. Results of the statistical analysis gave convincing evidence that remedial physical training does improve performance on physical agility tests, the study prompted a recommendation to include the physical agility training course in the college’s Fire Technology program on a regular basis.

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