Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for Advancement of Education


Physical Education, Exercise, Physiology, Physical Fitness, Physical Conditioning, Physical Performance, Fatigue (Biology), Heart Rate, Muscular Strength.


The present physical education curriculum offered at the college are the traditional lifetime sport activities. This problem was addressed by the design and implementation of a Diagnostic Health Fitness program for the college level student. The program's aims are to provide students with a basis for intelligent selection of habits, behaviorisms and programs to enable them to maintain a high quality of health and fitness throughout a lifetime. The program is composed of three major components: orientation (informing), student performance assessments, and execution (exercise prescription and monitoring). Assistance in procedures, execution of activities and evaluation monitoring are built within the program. (Appendices include a course syllabus, health/ fitness questionnaire, fitness and nutrition quiz, health/fitness assessment consent form, physicians consent form, physical fitness assessment form, cardiovascular disease risk factor profile, student exercise prescription form, warm-up and cool-down form, exercise log, Nautilus training principles, Nautilus gym policies, liability release, Nautilus training card, daily caloric intake form.)

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