Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


In-School Suspension Programs, Out-of-School Suspension Programs, Community and School Relations, Expulsions, Business Clubs, Exceptional Student Education, Inner City School Incentive Programs, Drop-out Prevention Program, Alternative Education, Behavior Modification Program, Vocational Training, Adopt-A-School, Intervention Programs, Reform Programs, Student Involvement, Keeping High Risk Students in School, Behavioral Disorders, Disciplinary Exclusion, Delinquents.


This practicum addresses reducing the out-of-school suspension rate for emotionality handicapped students through a program designed to increase a positive attitude toward school. The students worked closely with the family, the sponsor, and the teacher to develop appropriate in-school behaviors; consequently eliminating the need for out-of-school suspension. The program trained students to become productive members of society by modeling the behavior of the adults around them. The Sponsor A Middle School program offered a highly incentive program with built-in success experiences. The primary goal of SAMS was to change the attitudes and actions of students, parents, teachers and community members to reflect a vision of business as a partner ln education. The implementation of the SAMS project indicated positive results, in that, four of the five participating st1Jdente successfully completed the designated twelve week period without earning any suspensions. Two of the five students were mainstreamed into regular education. Also, an increase in the levels of achievement was accomplished by the entire targeted group, as measured by the Wide Range Achievement Test; consequently, the post evaluations by teachers, parents, and students were measurably improved as compared to the pre-evaluations. Further, it was concluded that a significant change in behavior was observed in the targeted group of emotionally handicapped students with two of the five successfully main-streamed into regular education. Appendices include graphic analysis of progress, test results, behavior rating scales, sample assignments, weekly lesson designs, contracts, SAMS-O-Gram, student data and pre and post evaluations. This reporter gave a presentation to the local Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis Club, Middle School faculty and the Futures, Inc. ln order to disseminate information about the SAMS program. A grant of $250 was awarded this writer from Futures to further implement the SAMS program. Additionally, a PIC (Private Industries Council) grant was awarded this writer to complete implementation of the SAMS program for the 1988 school year.

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