Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for Advancement of Education


Curriculum, Instruction, Educational Leadership, Intervention, Parent Involvement, Parenting, Preschool, Students


The author developed and implemented a program to increase the preschool disadvantaged child's ability to follow oral directions. The program's aims were to help the child to follow one, two, and three step oral directions given by a teacher which is considered a minimum competency for entrance into the district's kindergarten reading program. The program contained the following basic components: Pretesting of children to ascertain their score on a prereading readiness subtest called "Following Oral Directions”; inservice for parents to encourage their understanding and home cooperation; implementation of cooking activities in the classroom; participation of parents in similar home activities; post testing of children on the same subtest to determine progress; and surveying of parent participation and teacher opinion in the educational objectives. The effectiveness of the program was determined by the readiness level attainment of all children on the post test, on the amount of home participation, and on the opinion of the teacher and parent as to the effectiveness of the activities in reaching educational objectives. (Appendices include pre and post test results, cooking activities, a parent workshop invitation and agenda, a parent survey, and results of the parent survey.)

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