Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Community Colleges, Higher Education, Hypertext, Hypermedia, Computer Oriented Programs, Computer Assisted Instruction, Courseware Programmed Instruction, Computer Uses in Education, Adult Education, Part Time Students, Computer Education.


Students entering beginning IBM-compatible computer courses have a wide range of experience in the Disk Operating System (DOS). A large number have little or no knowledge and are very apprehensive and anxious. Others have experience and are bored when the rest of the class is learning DOS. A hypertext computer-assisted instruction (CAI) program was developed to teach DOS to a beginning class with J variety of backgrounds. The CAI program was demonstrated in class, and the students used the program in a computer lab, The results showed that more students passed a DOS proficiency test after eight weeks using the CAI than using the traditional lecture/lab method. They also recorded higher grades. In addition, the students had higher opinions of the CAI method than the traditional method. The beginning student's opinions improved the most. It was concluded that the hypertext CAI should be considered for this level of class offering the benefits of reduced class time, better learning, and improved student opinions. Appendices include the hypertext CAI documentation and the program handout.

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