Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Physical Fitness, Physical Development, Muscular Strength, Physical Activity Level, Endurance, Elementary Education, Intermediate Education, Grade Four.


A high percentage of students have scored low on health-related fitness tests in the areas of Upper Body Strength and Cardio- Respiratory Endurance. Utilizing the Chrysler/AAU Fitness Program (1989) to screen the students, the author developed a means to supplement physical education classes once or twice per week to improve fourth graders’ fitness levels. After developing and implementing a Runner’s Club and a Fitness Course that was supervised by the fourth grade classroom teachers on an every-other-day basis for 10 weeks, the author was able to significantly improve health related fitness test scores, Appendices include Turkey Trot Guidelines, Pre-Test Fitness Results, Teacher Attitudes Survey, Attendance Chart, Number-of-Laps Run, and Runners’ Club Awards.

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