All Roads Lead to Online Teaching Excellence: An Alternative Route to Faculty Certification for Online Teaching


Main Foyer


1-16-2018 5:15 PM


1-16-2018 5:35 PM

Short Description

To teach online courses at the University of Central Florida, faculty must take the Center for Distributed Learning’s (CDL) award-winning faculty development course, IDL6543. For faculty who possess competency in the design and delivery of online courses, IDL6543 is too comprehensive. As a result, UCF has developed an alternative certification pathway intended for faculty to determine if their experience, skills, and teaching philosophy meet CDL standards. This pathway is the Online Faculty Readiness Assessment.


To teach online courses at the University of Central Florida, faculty must take the Center for Distributed Learning’s (CDL) award-winning faculty development course, IDL6543. For faculty who possess competency in the design and delivery of online courses, IDL6543 is too comprehensive. As a result, UCF has developed an alternative certification pathway intended for faculty to determine if their experience, skills, and teaching philosophy meet CDL standards. This pathway is the Online Faculty Readiness Assessment.


Poster Session

Institutional level targeted

Higher Ed


Maureen McDermott, NSU

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Jan 16th, 5:15 PM Jan 16th, 5:35 PM

All Roads Lead to Online Teaching Excellence: An Alternative Route to Faculty Certification for Online Teaching

Main Foyer

To teach online courses at the University of Central Florida, faculty must take the Center for Distributed Learning’s (CDL) award-winning faculty development course, IDL6543. For faculty who possess competency in the design and delivery of online courses, IDL6543 is too comprehensive. As a result, UCF has developed an alternative certification pathway intended for faculty to determine if their experience, skills, and teaching philosophy meet CDL standards. This pathway is the Online Faculty Readiness Assessment.