September 27, 2016
Universal Design for the M-Generation: Building Engagement
Crystal Ballroom
9-27-2016 12:00 PM
9-27-2016 1:00 PM
Presenter(s) Biography
Tracy Hill
Teaching, learning, and enriching the lives of others are things that inspire me. In fact, one of my goals is to set up a community based outreach and literacy center within the next five years. I am hopeful that people will become as passionate about learning as myself. May these individuals live lives filled with positivity and optimism derived from learning.
This brings me to why I am here. I was a Homemaker, a Social Security Representative as well as a Medical Transcriptionist. Yet, when I taught Adult Basic Education at Hallandale Adult Community Center I knew that my life had changed forever. I was now on par with my life’s purpose.
You see, it was my Mother who always told me that I was a Teacher at heart. Now, it took me roughly twenty-five years to figure that out! However, if you asked me today I would tell you that I feel as if I cannot breathe unless I am teaching. Every great person knows that the best teachers are students, first.
Although, I am pursuing a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with the purpose of creating a community educational facility that best serves the literacy needs of adults, I am also answering the call to better fulfill the needs of challenged individuals by practicing disability advocacy. I have presented in forums at FAU within the past year on three occasions as a disability advocate, especially advocating for greater awareness and understanding of visually impaired students; I am now diagnosed as ‘legally’ blind, so I believe in many aspects this makes me an expert.
Victoria Brown
Dr. Victoria Brown is the Assistant Provost of eLearning at Florida Atlantic University. She oversees the day-to-day operations of the instructional technology professional development of faculty and provides support for online course development. Previously, she taught instructional technology for educators and business trainers at Florida Atlantic University and Barry University. She has also held leadership positions as vice-president of the Informational Technology Council for the Society of Informational and Teacher Education and serves as a board member for the Florida Distance Learning Association.
Universal Design for the M-Generation: Building Engagement
Crystal Ballroom
Additional Notes
Lunch provided