September 27, 2016
Project MOVE (Mobile Online Video Experience) using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Model Framework
9-27-2016 10:20 AM
9-27-2016 10:40 AM
This project explores teacher, social, and cognitive presence in the design and delivery of an online learning environment using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model framework. Social presence is an essential element for successful implementation of online instruction. Moore (1989) described three types of interaction in distance education: (a) student-content, (b) student-instructor, and (c) student-student. The purpose of this study was to design educationally purposeful activities, and examine instructor actions that positively influence student actions to increase their satisfaction and success. Blackboard Collaborate (BBC) real-time video conferencing tool was selected to create an engaging digital learning experience and collaborative learning environment. BBC can be converted to MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) formats, which enables students to view recorded sessions anytime, anywhere, from their mobile device(s). This project analyzes students' perceptions of BBC (and instructor actions) in the traditional classroom as well as in the online environment.
Concurrent Session
Institutional level targeted
Higher Ed
Target Level (additional info)
I can present in any format; I also have a poster that I can present.
Jennifer Reeves, NSU
Project MOVE (Mobile Online Video Experience) using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Model Framework
This project explores teacher, social, and cognitive presence in the design and delivery of an online learning environment using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model framework. Social presence is an essential element for successful implementation of online instruction. Moore (1989) described three types of interaction in distance education: (a) student-content, (b) student-instructor, and (c) student-student. The purpose of this study was to design educationally purposeful activities, and examine instructor actions that positively influence student actions to increase their satisfaction and success. Blackboard Collaborate (BBC) real-time video conferencing tool was selected to create an engaging digital learning experience and collaborative learning environment. BBC can be converted to MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) formats, which enables students to view recorded sessions anytime, anywhere, from their mobile device(s). This project analyzes students' perceptions of BBC (and instructor actions) in the traditional classroom as well as in the online environment.