Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures
This is a select list of works produced by the faculty of the College of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University
Submissions from 2022
Ethics and Law for School Psychologists, Ralph E. Cash
Submissions from 2021
The Effect of Fidgeting on Cognition, Mckinley Alden, Anastasia Giorgoudi, C Mathews, William Matthew Collins, and Leanne Boucher
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for English Language Learners: Success or Failure?, Cati Anidjar and Iryna A. Kasi
The Role of Graduate Psychology Student Teaching Assistants During the Covid- 19 Pandemic, Soledad Arguelles-Borge, Daniella Lopez Palacios, Ana Lopez, Danielle K. Ibarra, and Nicole Herrera
Emerging Adult Men’s Reports of Sexual Messages and Desired Support from Mothers and Fathers in Making Sexual Decisions, Shelby Astle, Kristin Anders, and Aya Shigeto
Focus Your Attention: The Role of Mindfulness and Stress in Athletic Performance, Jonathan B. Banks
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion for Addictions and Offenders Counselors, L H. Becton and Melanie M. Iarussi
National Wellness Survey for Public Safety Personnel: Preliminary Findings, Jessica R. Blalock, Michael L. Bourke, and Vincent B. Van Hasselt
Esports for Newbs, Allison Joy Brager and Jaime L. Tartar
The Impact of Music and Exercise on Learning and Memory, Rebecca Briggs, W. Matthew Collins, Stephanie D. Walker, Jadalee Eyma, Quinn M. Tompkins, Erin Goonan, and Alexis B. Tola
The Function of Processing Speed in Verbal and Nonverbal Learning in a Clinical Sample, Carla Cabrera and Charles J. Golden
Anti-Fat and Weight Bias: Addressing Myths and Creating Justice through Research and Policy, Stephanie Campbell, Jeffrey Hunger, Andrea LaMarre, and Paula M. Brochu
The Usability and Effect of the Health StorylinesTM mHealth App on Female Childhood Cancer Survivors’ Self-Efficacy, Health-Related Quality of Life and Perceived Illness, Mary Ann Cantrell, K Ruble, Janell L. Mensinger, S Birkhoff, A Morris, P Griffith, and A Adams
Domestic Violence: Do We Always Hurt The Ones We Say We Love?, Ralph E. Cash
Domestic Violence: Do We Always Hurt The Ones We Say We Love?, Ralph E. Cash
Ethics and Law for School Psychologists, Ralph E. Cash
Review of Familial Factors Associated with Eating Disorder Pathology in Children and Adolescents, Cailyn Caskey and Lourdes Suarez-Morales
Supervisor Identity Self-Disclosure as a Method of Developing Cultural Competence in Psychology Trainees, K Castro, Nehemie Dantica, Iryna A. Kasi, and Shannon Worton
Food Insecurity and Food Waste: Outcomes of a Community-Based Participatory Research Partnership in an Ethnically and Racially Diverse Middle School During COVID-19, Alyssa Chevalier, Karen Dimentstein, Kristine Perez-Carrion, Raihaana Ali, and Jessica M. Valenzuela
The Physiological Role and Clinical Implications of Heart Rate Variability in Stress and Depression, Jessica Choe, Barry Nierenberg, and Jeffrey Kibler
Peers as Law Enforcement Support: A Model Prevention Program, Emily M. Cnapich, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Judy Couwels, Bailee B. Schuhmann, Samantha Rodriguez, and Jessica R. Blalock
Get Moving! Your Memory Will Thank You, Matthew Collins
Social Emotional Learning Program Targeting Internalizing, Andrea Connell, Katlyn Bagarella, and Nurit Sheinberg
A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Two Versions of Peer-Delivered Motivational Interviewing in Sexual and Gender Minority Male Sexual Abuse Survivors, Joan A. Cook, Amy E. Ellis, Vanessa Simiola, Chyrell Bellamy, and Steve Martino
Development of a Linguistically and Culturally Sensitive Trauma Instrument for Spanish Speakers (E-Trauma), Wendy Cook
Fano Resonances in the Resonance Raman Spectra of Tubulin and Microtubules Reveals Active Quantum Effects, Travis J. A. Craddock
Light-Based Quantum Processes in the Brain, Travis J. A. Craddock
Determining the Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress and Sex on Gulf War Illness for Improved Diagnostics, Travis J.A. Craddock
Fano Resonances in the Resonance Raman Spectra of Tubulin and Microtubules Reveals Active Quantum Effects, Travis J. A. Craddock, Robert R. Alfano, and Lingyan Shi
Service Denials for Comorbid TBI/SUD: An Epidemic Amplified by a Pandemic, L Crawford and Barry P. Nierenberg
Trauma and Existential Anxiety in Intersectional Affective and Gender Minority Identities: The Case, Leslie S. Darnell
Investigating the Use of Structural Analogs of Colchicine as Novel Inhibitors of Microtubule Polymerization, I R. De Abreu, A Barkdull, and Travis J. A. Craddock
Psychosocial Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Diabetes, Karen Dimentstein, Shanique T. Yee, Jessica M. Valenzuela, B Pan, M Snyder, and R Wolf
Improvement in Nonjudgment During the First Week of Treatment as a Predictor for Reduced State and Trait Anxiety over Time, Lori Eickleberry and Benjamin F. Shepherd
Empirical and Qualitative Data on Training Men with Lived Experience of Sexual Abuse to Deliver Motivational Interviewing, Amy E. Ellis, Vanessa Simiola, Steve Martino, and Joan A. Cook
Quarantine During COVID-19: Implications for Anxiety and Disordered Eating and Exercise Behaviors, Alexandra Felpeto and Paula M. Brochu
An Ecological Systems Theory Approach: Evaluation & Intervention of Latinx Clients in Speech-Language Pathology, Nathalia A. Fonseca, Soledad Arguelles-Borge, and Rachel M. Williams
Strengths and Needs of Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors and their Caregivers: Moving Forward Optimistically to Fill Resource-Need Gaps, Diana Formoso and Manuel Paris
What’s The Effect? A 15-Year Meta-Analysis of School Counselor-led Interventions, Chelsea Fullilove, Elizabeth Villares, and Anna Owens
Females Have It Worse: In Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease and Mixed Dementia Females Are More Severely Affected By A High Fat Diet Than Males, Olivia J. Gannon, Lisa S. Robison, Charly Abi-Ghanem, F M. Mansour, Abigail Salinero, Rebekah Brawley, A Tyagi, and Kristen L. Zuloaga
The COVID-19 Significant Impact on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community, Constantina Gelep, Megan DeRiso, Anna Derbaly, Nicole Cavallo, and Barry P. Nierenberg
Performance Psychology in the Military: A Literature Review, Imani Gibbs, Bridget Spatola, Sam Savage, Alyssa R. Ojeda, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Monty T. Baker
Concordance of the MMPI-2-RF F-R Scale and Tomm in Detecting Feigning in Neuropsychological Testing, Samuel T. Gontkovsky and Charles J. Golden
The Role of Processing Speed in Academic Achievement, William Goulart, Brittny Arias, Jake Metsky, and Charles J. Golden
Health Needs of Undocumented Latinx Youth and Clinical Implications for Practitioners in Medicine, Veronica Lynne Grosse, Diana Formoso, and Jessica M. Valenzuela
The Interplay Between Achievement Scores in Math Ability and Perceptual Reasoning in an Adult Population, D'Shawn L. Harrigan, Kayla Kotalik, Lisa K. Lashley, and Charles J. Golden
Evaluating Measures of Parenting Behaviors Associated with Anxiety in Latinx Families, Alexandra P. Harris and Lourdes Suarez-Morales
Weight History across the Lifetime and Medical Complications in Individuals with Atypical Anorexia Nervosa: A Systematic Review, Erin Nicole Harrop and Janell L. Mensinger
Weight Suppression and Minimum BMI Predict Treatment Delay in Atypical Anorexia Nervosa, Erin Nicole Harrop and Janell L. Mensinger
Involuntary Psychiatric Admissions Initiated by Two U.S. Police Departments: A Descriptive Analysis, Caroline Haskamp, Kristin E. Klimley, Bethany L. Broj, Brittany Plombon, Rachel Chistopher, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Ryan A. Black
Community Psychologists and the Treatment of Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking, Caroline Haskamp, Samantha Zubizarreta, Maria A. Sisniegas, Giovanna Basilio, Jennifer Davidtz, and Thomas D. Kennedy
The Emotional Wellbeing of Nurses Working During the US Acute Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Donna S. Havens, Janell L. Mensinger, and Peter K. Kaufmann
The Benefits of Leisure Activities on Older Adults, Nicole Herrera, Danielle K. Ibarra, and Soledad Arguelles-Borge
Life Stress and Mind Wandering: The Role of Event Recency and Level of Processing, Amanda S. Holtzman, Elizabeth L. Griffith, and Adriel Boals
Being Dishonest About Dishonesty: The Social Benefits of Taking Absolute (But Hypocritical) Moral Stances, Elizabeth Huppert, Nicholas R. Herzog, Justin F. Landy, and Emma E. Levine
When Hypocrisy is Rewarded: The Costs of Moral Flexibility Outweigh the Costs of Hypocrisy, Elizabeth Huppert, Nicholas R. Herzog, Justin F. Landy, and Emma E. Levine
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Association Between Stigma and Trainees’ Service-Seeking Behaviors, Anna Joseph, Benjamin F. Shepherd, and Paula M. Brochu
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in LGBT Emerging Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Madeline Jubran, Emily Georgia Salivar, and Ashley M. Stripling
Multicultural and Diversity Competencies, Tara Sloan Jungersen and Carly Paro-Tompkins
Orientation and Onboarding Considerations for Early and Mid-Career Counselor Education Faculty Appointments, Shannon Karl and Tara Sloan Jungersen
Working with Individuals and Families in Haitian Culture: Assessment and Intervention Strategies all Counselor Educators Should Know, Shannon Karl, Renata F. Schloss Goldhagen, Elda C. Kanzki-Veloso, and Katarzyna Wojnas
Delivering Cognitive Assessment Through Hybrid Instruction: lessons from the Field, Iryna A. Kasi, Sarah A. Valley-Gray, and T McCoy
The Relationship Between Trainee Characteristics and Accurate Responses to Suicidal Ideation, Alexandra Khoudari, Corin L. Osborn, and Sarah A. Valley-Gray
Collective Coping: Community Connectedness Moderates the Association between Intersectional Microaggressions And Alcohol Use Disorder Risk Among Sexual And Gender Minoritized People of Color, S Kler, Benjamin F. Shepherd, and Paula M. Brochu
A Practical Dental Anxiety Scale Predicts Oral Health and Pursuit of Root Canal Treatment, Hallie Landy, Justin F. Landy, and Bekir Karabucak
Clinical Perspectives on Bereavement and Grief: Past, Present and Future, Christopher M. Layne
Clinical Perspectives on Bereavement and Grief: Past, Present and Future, Christopher M. Layne
Clinical Perspectives on Traumatic Bereavement, Loss, and Grief: A Case Study-Based Approach, Christopher M. Layne
Clinical Perspectives on Traumatic Bereavement, Loss, and Grief: A Case Study-Based Approach, Christopher M. Layne
Implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for Trauma- and Bereavement-Informed Care, Christopher M. Layne
Implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for Trauma- and Bereavement-Informed Care, Christopher M. Layne
Preparing for the COVID-19 Second Wave: An Overview of the New Prolonged Grief Disorder through the Lenses of Multidimensional Grief Theory, Christopher M. Layne
Using the Core Curriculum Ella Case Study to Build Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Intervention Planning Skills, Christopher M. Layne
Using the Core Curriculum Ella Case Study to Build Assessment, Case Conceptualization, and Intervention Planning Skills, Christopher M. Layne and Polly Gibson
Challenging Implicit Bias in Language: Easing the Shift Towards Gender-Neutral Language, Patrice J. Leopold and E Elagina
Fostering Antiracist Clinicians with Relational Resilience, Patrice J. Leopold and Sade Smith
Preparing for and Conducting Virtual Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention, Richard Lieberman and Scott Poland
Childhood Adversity and Well-Being: Assessing the Role of Internalized Heterosexism Among Adult Sexual Minority Women, Shelby A. Mathias and Paula M. Brochu
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Internalized Homophobia, and Belonging Among Sexual Minority Women, Shelby Mathias, Paula M. Brochu, and Kayla K. Thayer
Internalized Heterosexism Mediates the Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Well-Being among Sexual Minority Women, Shelby Mathias, Paula M. Brochu, and Kayla K. Thayer
Frailty and Depression: Mediators of Fear of Falling and Quality of Life in Older Adults, M McCay, C Whitehouse, and Janell L. Mensinger
Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Dementia Due to Another Medical Condition, Bailey E. McDonald, Samantha Gestido, Daniella Maciel, Saba Verani, D'anna Sydow, Sophia G. Perez, Samantha C. Spagna, Charles J. Golden, Kristen Willeumier, and Daniel G. Amen
Trauma Treatment Using an Existential Approach to Gender Affirmative Care During the COVID-19, Nicolas G. Meade
Is it Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Pediatric Bipolar Disorder?, Blanca Melero, D Suarez, and Sarah A. Valley-Gray
34 mg Dose of Caffeine on Maximum Heart Rate and Time to Exhaustion Performance Testing, J Morris, Jaime L. Tartar, Gayla L. Sanders, Tobin Silver, Jose Antonio, and Corey Allen Peacock
Appreciative Beyond Measure: The Association Between Body Appreciation and Intuitive Eating, Lauren Moss, Paula M. Brochu, and Stephanie Rothenberg
Get Moving! Your Brain Will Thank You, Christina A. Nunez, Alexandria G. Nuccio, and Charles J. Golden
Get Up And Go! An Evaluation of Fitness and Memory, Christina A. Nunez, Alexandria G. Nuccio, and Charles J. Golden
The Non-Use of Cognitive Screening Tools with Individuals Who Are Culturally Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Christina Nunez, Charles J. Golden, Ashley M. Stripling, and John E. Lewis
Differences in Risk and Resilience in Law Enforcement Officers with Military Experience, Alyssa Ojeda, Angela Beamer, Jessica Blalock, Bailee B. Schuhmann, Ryan A. Black, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Monty Baker
COVID-19 Psychological Symptoms and Pandemic-Related Lifestyle Changes on Weight, Tracy L. Oliver, Rebecca Shenkman, Lisa Diewald, Janell L. Mensinger, and Caroline Hallen Moore
What Can Counselors Expect When Teaching Social and Emotional Skills, Anna Katharine Owens
Can’t We Just Talk About It? A School Counseling Approach to Emotional Regulation Among School-Aged Boys, Anna Katharine Owens and Drew Grissell
Keeping a Straight Face: Secondary Resources for LGBTQIA+ Students, Anna Katharine Owens and M Hill
What Does The Research Say? A Review of School Counselor-Led Social/Emotional Learning Interventions for Middle and High School Students, Anna Katharine Owens, Elizabeth Villares, and Greg Brigman
State and Trait Anxiety in Mixed Martial Artists, Julian Pino, Jordan Kwamanakweenda, Olivier Van Hauwermeiren, Corey Allen Peacock, and Jaime L. Tartar
Physical Fitness and Mental Muscle: The Relationship Between Exercise Frequency, Intensity, and Cognitive Functioning, Frankie Pizzo, Edward Puisis, Jose Antonio, A Poothurail, T Thompson, Amanda Pultorak, H Adams, Anna Santucci, Olivia Longmore, Corey Peacock, Jose Antonio, and Jaime L. Tartar
Better Processing Speed in eGamers Compared to Controls, Frankie Pizzo, Edward Puisis, Mykola Marang, Alina Poothurail, T Thompson, Amanda Pultorak, H Adams, Anna Santucci, Olivia Longmore, Corey Allen Peacock, Jose Antonio, and Jaime L. Tartar
Using Genograms as a Methodology For Understanding Family Dynamics, Daniel J. Puhlman, Aya Shigeto, Gustavo A. Murillo-Borjas, Rakesh Kumar Maurya, and Virginia Vincenti
Training of Culturally Sensitive and Linguistically Competent School Psychologists: Review of Existing Bilingual School Psychology Graduate Programs, Natalia Maria Ramirez, Maria Barroso Cue, Iryna A. Kasi, and Sarah A. Valley-Gray