NSU Halmos Mathematics Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures | Department of Mathematics | Nova Southeastern University
Mathematics Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures

Mathematics Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures



Submissions from 2021

(0,1)-Matrices Avoiding Certain Patterns, Lei Cao

Blockers of Pattern Avoiding Permutation Matrices, Lei Cao

Pattern Avoiding (0,1)-Matrices, Lei Cao and Richard Brualdi

Submissions from 2020

Attraction-Repulsion Taxis Mechanisms in a Predator-Prey Model, Evan Haskell and Jonathan Bell


A splitting approximation for the numerical solution of a self-adjoint quenching problem, Julienne Kabre

Submissions from 2019

The Extreme Points of Certain Polytopes, Richard Brualdi and Lei Cao

Hankel Tournament and Special Oriented Graphs, Lei Cao and Richard Brualdi

Analysis of a Dengue Model with Vertical Transmission and Application to the 2014 Dengue Outbreak in Guangdong Province, China, Jing Chen

Modelling and Analysis of a Nonlinear Age-structured Model for Tumor Cell Populations with Quiescence, Jing Chen

Polyamine Compounds Targeting the Efflux Pumps of Multi-Drug Resistant Bacterial Pathogens and Methods of Using the Same, Renee Fleeman, Radleigh Santos, Marcello Angelo Giulianotti, and Lindsey Shaw

Teaching Statistics through Elections: How Local Events Bring Classroom Topics to Life, Jason Gershman

CD4+ T Cell Antigen Discovery in Sarcoidosis, Sarah A. Greaves, Angela Mitchell, Michael Falta, Radleigh Santos, Clemencia Pinilla, and Andrew P. Fontenot

Nonconstant Positive Steady States and Pattern Formation of a Two Competing Species with Common Predator Model Incorporating Prey-Taxis, Evan Haskell and Jonathan Bell

Sub-defect of Product of Doubly Substochastic Matrices, Selcuk Koyuncu and Lei Cao

Results of Digital Courseware Project Using Learning Catalytics and Technology, Eric Michael Samansky and Jason Gershman

Submissions from 2018

Partitions on the Polytope of Doubly Substochastic Matrices, Lei Cao

Partitions on the Polytope of Doubly Substochastic Matrices, Lei Cao

Symmetric, Hankel-symmetric, and Centrosymmetric Doubly Stochastic Matrices, Lei Cao and Richard Brualdi

P-Essential Reflections and Hull Classes, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Discovery of Selective Nanomolar Potent Melanocortin-3 Receptor Ligands, Skye R. Doering, Phaedra Geer, Radleigh Santos, Marc Giulianotti, Clemencia Pinilla, Jon R. Appel, Richard A. Houghten, and Carrie Haskell-Luevano

Students Analyzing Real Polling Data: Enhancing Your Statistics Course, Jason Gershman

Predator-Mediated Coexistence with Chemorepulsive Defense Mechanism, Evan Haskell

Predator-Mediated Coexistence with Attractive or Repulsive Prey-Taxis, Evan Haskell and Jonathan Bell

B - T Cell Interactions Activate and Maintain Brain-Homing T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis, I. Jelcic, F. Al Nimer, J. Wang, V. Lentsch, R. Planas, A. Madjovski, W. Faigle, Clemencia Pinilla, Radleigh Santos, C. Hammer, Y. Ortiz, L. Opitz, M. Khademi, A. Lutterotti, T. Olsson, F. Piehl, M. Sospedra, and R. Martin


Radial Basis Functions Generated Finite-Difference Method for the Korteweg-de Vries Equation, Julienne Kabre and Jonah A. Reeger


Biscyclic guanidine compound compositions, methods of use and treatment thereof, Lindsey Shaw, Renee Fleeman, Richard A. Houghten, Marc Giulianotti, Radleigh Santos, and Adel Nefzi

Submissions from 2017

Identification of Peptides Combination That Successfully Block Canditatus Liberibacter asiaticus Transfer from Asian Citrus Psyllid Nymphs to Adults, Dov Borovsky, Eldesouky Ammar, Kasie Sturgeon, Erica Rose Warwick, Marc Giulianotti, Radleigh Santos, Clemencia Pinilla, and Robert G. Shatters


HRT Conjecture for Certain Classes of Elementary Functions, Abdelkrim Bourouihiya

The Extreme Points of the Convex Polytope of Doubly Substochastic Matrices with Fixed Row Sums and Column Sums, Lei Cao and Richard Brualdi

A Model for a Parameter Related to Free Virus Production from Infected Target Cells, Evan Haskell


Melanocortin Ligands and Methods of Use Thereof, Carrie Haskell-Luevano, Skye R. Doering, Jon R. Appel, Marc Giulianotti, Richard A. Houghten, Clemencia Pinilla, and Radleigh Santos


A PETSC implementation of the energy-preserving scheme for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations, Julienne Kabre


BIS-cyclic guanidine compound compositions, methods of use and treatment thereof, Lindsey Neil Shaw, Renee Fleeman, Richard A. Houghten, Marc Giulianotti, Radleigh Santos, and Adel Nefzi


Polytopes and Matrix Equations, Fuzhen Zhang


Tensors and Some Combinatorial Properties of Tensors, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2016


Data Adaptive Compression and Data Encryption Using Kronecker Products, Abdelkrim Bourouihiya

A New Formulation of Solutions to A. Horn's Conjecture, Lei Cao

The Sub-Defect of Doubly Substochastic Matrices and its Application, Lei Cao

Angles, Triangle Inequalities, Correlation Matrices and Metric-Preserving and Subadditive Functions, Diego Castano, Vehbi Emrah Paksoy, and Fuzhen Zhang

Modeling and Simulation of Caenorhabditis elegans Chemotaxis in Response to Multiple Chemoattractant Sources, Evan Haskell


An energy-preserving scheme for the Poisson -Nernst-Planck equations, Julienne Kabre


Energy-Conserving Numerical Scheme for the Poisson-Nerst-Plank Equations, Julienne Kabre


Energy-Conserving Numerical Scheme for the Poisson-Nerst-Plank Equations, Julienne Kabre


Improving accuracy of ECG monitoring using a wearable device, Julienne Kabre

Dynamic Regulation of Toxic Synthetic Bacteria Prevents Learning in the Model Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, C. Manchery, O. Bracho, Evan Haskell, and Christopher A. Blanar


Generalized Matrix Functions and Geometric Measure of Entanglement, Vehbi Emrah Paksoy, Fuzhen Zhang, and Haixia Chang

Quantitative Measurement of Learning and Memory in Caenorhabditis elegans in Response to an Engineered Nematicidal Bacterium, K. Patel, N. Neves, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith


Using Fusion of Response Metrics and Monte Carlo Simulation to Determine Immune Response in Cancer Immunotherapy Patients, Radleigh Santos, Alcinette Bunying, Nazila Sabri, John Yu, Steve J. Swanson, Valeria A. Judkowski, Pedro Romero, Sylvia Janetzki, and Clemencia Pinilla

Categorizing immune responders with fusion metrics and simulation for association to survival & progression free survival with immune response in HLA-A2+ patients with GBM from a phase 2 trial of dendritic cell (DC) immunotherapy (ICT-107)., Radleigh Santos, Clemencia Pinilla, Steve J. Swanson, Anthony Gringeri, and John Yu

Efficacy of Nematicidal Engineered Bacteria Against Diverse Nematode Species, Chelsea A. Thachettu, Evan Haskell, Christopher Blanar, and Robert Smith

Submissions from 2015


Modeling of Humoral Immune Response to Repeated Influenza A Virus Infections, Abbiana Arenas, Safiyah Muhammad, Ly Nguyen, Samita Andreansky, and Evan Haskell

Numerical Solution of Underdetermined Systems from Partial Linear Circulant Measurements, Jean-Luc Bouchot and Lei Cao

Dynamic Regulation of Toxic Synthetic Bacteria Prevents Learning in the Model Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Olena Bracho, C. Manchery, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith

Dynamic Regulation of Toxic Synthetic Bacteria Prevents Learning in the Model Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Olena Bracho, C. Manchery, Evan Haskell, Christopher A. Blanar, and Robert Smith

A Multi- Patch Rabies Model in China, Jing Chen

The Derivative of a Solution to a Second Order Parameter Dependent Boundary Value Problem with a Nonlocal Integral Boundary Condition, Jason Gershman and Jeffrey W. Lyons


An Energy-Dynamics-Preserving Discretization for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations, Julienne Kabre


CURVATURE: A geometric villain that ruins our instinctive perception of nature, Vehbi Emrah Paksoy

Pi: The Search for Randomness, Eric Samansky

Statistically significant association of glioblastoma immunotherapy phase II clinical study (ICT-107) treatment and survival to immune response using a novel comprehensive ELISPOT analysis., Radleigh Santos, Anthony Gringeri, John Yu, Sylvia Janetzki, Valeria A. Judkowski, and Clemencia Pinilla

Association of Survival and Progression-Free Survival with Immune Response in HLA-A2+ Newly- Diagnosed GBM Patients in Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Phase 2 Trial of Dentritic Cell (DC) Immunotherapy with ICT-107, Patrick Wen, David Reardon, Surasak Phuphanich, Robert Aiken, Joseph Landolfi, William Curry, Jay-Jiguang Zhu, Michael Glantz, David Peereboom, James Markert, Renato Larocca, Donald O'Rourke, Karen Fink, Lyndon Kim, Michael Gruber, Glenn Lesser, Ed Pan, Radleigh Santos, Clemencia Pinilla, and John Yu

An Inequality for Tensor Product of Positive Operators and Its Applications, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2014

Various Completeness of an Archimedean Lattice-ordered Group, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Modeling the Geographic Spread of Rabies in China, Jing Chen

Modeling West Nile Virus Outbreaks in New York, Florida and Texas, Jing Chen

Evaluation of Florida Physicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Accessing the State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program as a Prescribing Tool, Jason Gershman

In Ordering on Green’s Functions for a Family of Two-point Boundary Value Problems for Fractional Differential Equations, Jason Gershman

The Coupon Collector Problem Revisited, Jason Gershman

The Mathematics of the Billion Dollar Bracket, Jason Gershman

Derivatives of the Solution to a Dynamic Boundary Value Problem on a General Time Scale, Jason Gershman and Jeffrey W. Lyons

A Social Interaction Model for Crime Hot Spots, Evan Haskell

Mathematical Exploration of Humoral Immune Response to Repeated Viral Challenge, Evan Haskell

Mathematical Model of Humoral Immune System Toward Repeated Influenza A Virus Infections, Evan Haskell

Social Interaction Modeling in Environmental Criminology, Evan Haskell

Connecting mathematics and biology in the classroom: exploring the hero’s journey through ecological relationships, Evan Haskell and R. P. Smith

Bioinformatics Session, Matthew He

The Emergence and Grand Challenges of Computing, Matthew He

The Synergy Between Bioinformatics and Cognitive Informatics, Matthew He

An Application of an Avery Type Fixed Point Theorem to a Second Order Antiperiodic Boundary Value Problem, Jeffrey W. Lyons

An Ordering on Green’s Functions for a Family of Two-point Boundary Value Problems for Fractional Differential Equations, Jeffrey W. Lyons

Characterizing Derivatives of Solutions to Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems with Parameter, Jeffrey W. Lyons

Existence of Antisymmetric Solutions for Second Order Difference Equations with Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions, Jeffrey W. Lyons

A Matrix Decomposition and its Applications, Fuzhen Zhang

A Matrix Decomposition and its Applications, Fuzhen Zhang

Angles Between Vectors and Beyond, Fuzhen Zhang

Ky Fan's Life as a Mathematician, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decomposition, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Matrix Decompositions and Angles Between Vectors and Spaces, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2013

A Repeated Challenge Humoral Immune Response Model, Abbiana Arenas, Samita Andreansky, and Evan Haskell

Generalized Baer Rings, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Hull Classes in Frames, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Lattice Theory and Commutative Semiprime Rings, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Projectability in Frames, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

Bifurcations in Predator-Prey Models with Seasonal Prey Harvesting, Jing Chen

Mathematical Modeling and Control of West Nile Virus in New York, Jing Chen