Mathematics Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures
B - T Cell Interactions Activate and Maintain Brain-Homing T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis
Event Name/Location
34th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Berlin, Germany, October 10-12, 2018
Presentation Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
NSUWorks Citation
Jelcic, I.; Al Nimer, F.; Wang, J.; Lentsch, V.; Planas, R.; Madjovski, A.; Faigle, W.; Pinilla, Clemencia; Santos, Radleigh; Hammer, C.; Ortiz, Y.; Opitz, L.; Khademi, M.; Lutterotti, A.; Olsson, T.; Piehl, F.; Sospedra, M.; and Martin, R., "B - T Cell Interactions Activate and Maintain Brain-Homing T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis" (2018). Mathematics Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, Lectures. 410.