

I am writing this review, Transformative Visions for Qualitative Inquiry, considering performative, philosophical, and artistic transformations as an essential reading for faculty and students—novice and veteran. It inspires readers, writers, and novice and veteran researchers in various social sciences disciplines and educational landscapes to envision innovative approaches to healing from crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and/or earthquakes. These processes encourage resisting, recovering, connecting, finding joy, and embracing life. Likewise, Transformative Visions for Qualitative Inquiry centers on the concept of transformation and its potential for the future of qualitative research amidst a world grappling with the multifaceted implications of COVID-19, climate change, political unrest, inequality, and various forms of oppression. In these times of uncertainty, distinguished scholars from around the world are looking forward with a rejuvenated sense of optimism while staying rooted in the understanding that there is still much work to be done. So, I realized that research must give rise to the challenges of our hopeful yet ever-changing future. The contributors of Transformative Visions for Qualitative Inquiry ponder a variety of topics, including academic healing, environmental justice, the dominance of higher education and its challenges to critical education, arts-based research such as songwriting, participatory workshops, and auto poetics, disruptions to traditional humanist and Western thought, and explorations of empathy and life writing.


transformative visions, qualitative inquiry, transformations, healing, embrace, empathy

Author Bio(s)

Niroj Dahal (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7646-1186) is a lecturer at Kathmandu University School of Education under the Department of STEAM Education. He is also an editorial board member of TQR. His research interests include ICT in education, qualitative research—action research, participatory action research, appreciative inquiry, arts-based inquiry, autoethnography, narrative inquiry, case study, content analysis, critical ethnography, critical social theories inquiry, decolonizing methodologies, decolonizing autoethnography, thematic analysis, narrative analysis, and collaborative inquiry (among others), mathematics education, open, distance and e-learning, STEAM education, research and development, and ICT and e-Research. Mr. Dahal has been teaching graduate and undergraduate students for over a decade. He has also continuously participated in and presented his research and practices at more than four dozen national and international conferences, workshops, and seminars. He has published articles, research notes, editorials, book reviews, and book chapters in various national and international journals and publication presses in ICT, qualitative research, education in general and mathematics education, and STEAM education. He may be contacted by e-mail at niroj@kusoed.edu.np.


I wish to dedicate this review to the late Norman K. Denzin. The enormity of Norman K. Denzin’s contributions to qualitative research is such that words might not suffice; hence, this review is a humble attempt to express my gratitude for the works of Norman K. Denzin.

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