Learning in Self-Contained Classrooms: A Modified Qualitative Delphi Approach

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Start Date

14-1-2021 3:50 PM

End Date

14-1-2021 4:10 PM


This qualitative modified Delphi study was conducted to gather a consensus from experts in Special Education on the most appropriate assessment tool to incorporate in classrooms of students with special needs. This study was conducted to determine the most appropriate assessment tool for students with special needs. This study includes experts in the field of Special Education. The participants in this study are special educators and supervisors in field of special education. These experts developed a consensus on the most effective assessment tool to incorporate when assessing and planning for students with special educational needs. The results of this study indicated the most effective and efficient assessment tool used in classrooms for instruction and assessment purposes is the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement. These results are beneficial to teachers when developing the most appropriate curriculum or lesson plans in special education classrooms so that students receive the appropriate future education.


Special Education, Assessments, Learning in special education, Special Education Curriculum, Special Education Assessments

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Jan 14th, 3:50 PM Jan 14th, 4:10 PM

Learning in Self-Contained Classrooms: A Modified Qualitative Delphi Approach

This qualitative modified Delphi study was conducted to gather a consensus from experts in Special Education on the most appropriate assessment tool to incorporate in classrooms of students with special needs. This study was conducted to determine the most appropriate assessment tool for students with special needs. This study includes experts in the field of Special Education. The participants in this study are special educators and supervisors in field of special education. These experts developed a consensus on the most effective assessment tool to incorporate when assessing and planning for students with special educational needs. The results of this study indicated the most effective and efficient assessment tool used in classrooms for instruction and assessment purposes is the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement. These results are beneficial to teachers when developing the most appropriate curriculum or lesson plans in special education classrooms so that students receive the appropriate future education.