Teaching Qualitative Research Methods Online

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Start Date

14-1-2021 11:15 AM

End Date

14-1-2021 12:05 PM


In this workshop, a veteran online educator shares practical strategies for course design, teaching strategies, choice of technology, and assessment in online qualitative methods education. The primary focus of this workshop is on asynchronous (anytime) strategies that offer flexibility and provide time for thoughtful reflection. Examples are drawn from online courses including (a) introductory coursework in qualitative research methods that covers research design and (b) advanced coursework in qualitative data analysis where QDAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) is taught.

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify key elements for online course design including learning goals, curriculum, and timeline.
  • Explore strategies for asynchronous (anytime) learning such as discussions, writing activities, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Consider the relative advantage of technologies used to teach online.
  • Examine options for assessment rubrics in online learning.


Snelson, C. (2019). Teaching qualitative research methods online: A scoping review of the literature. The Qualitative Report, 24(11), 2799–2814. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol24/iss11/9/

Snelson, C., Wertz, C., Onstott, K., & Bader, J. (2017). Using World of Warcraft to teach research methods in online doctoral education: A student-instructor duoethnography. The Qualitative Report, 22(5), 1439–1456. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss5/18/


online teaching; online course design



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Jan 14th, 11:15 AM Jan 14th, 12:05 PM

Teaching Qualitative Research Methods Online

In this workshop, a veteran online educator shares practical strategies for course design, teaching strategies, choice of technology, and assessment in online qualitative methods education. The primary focus of this workshop is on asynchronous (anytime) strategies that offer flexibility and provide time for thoughtful reflection. Examples are drawn from online courses including (a) introductory coursework in qualitative research methods that covers research design and (b) advanced coursework in qualitative data analysis where QDAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) is taught.

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify key elements for online course design including learning goals, curriculum, and timeline.
  • Explore strategies for asynchronous (anytime) learning such as discussions, writing activities, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Consider the relative advantage of technologies used to teach online.
  • Examine options for assessment rubrics in online learning.


Snelson, C. (2019). Teaching qualitative research methods online: A scoping review of the literature. The Qualitative Report, 24(11), 2799–2814. https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol24/iss11/9/

Snelson, C., Wertz, C., Onstott, K., & Bader, J. (2017). Using World of Warcraft to teach research methods in online doctoral education: A student-instructor duoethnography. The Qualitative Report, 22(5), 1439–1456. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss5/18/