Take Another Look: Two Constructivist Activities to Facilitate a Social Justice Lens Among Research Students



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Start Date

January 2019

End Date

January 2019


Two Chicana/Latina scholars and educators will share activities used in various research courses they’ve taught. “Take Another Look” examines our role and responsibility in facilitating a social justice lens among novice research students. Through guided activities, the workshop participants will experience first-hand, the power of constructivist activities in generating deep conversations and moments that have the potential to transform new researchers into considering a social justice lens in their inquiry. Perceptions and the Brain is an activity used at the beginning of a research course to help research students recognize and understand how their brain works to interpret the unknown and how as researchers, they need to consider their “lens” as part of the research. The literature review is a part of any research endeavor, but it can be difficult to teach about this fundamental academic and cognitive written outcome. The Literature Review Grid is an activity that engages research students into identifying and supporting the main constructs to be expanded in a literature review to support their research project. Throughout the workshop, the presenters will use tenants of culturally responsive practices in order to remain true to the goal of social justice and equity in our research endeavors.


teaching qualitative research, social justice lens, constructivist, literature review


Breakout Session B

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Jan 16th, 2:15 PM Jan 16th, 3:05 PM

Take Another Look: Two Constructivist Activities to Facilitate a Social Justice Lens Among Research Students


Two Chicana/Latina scholars and educators will share activities used in various research courses they’ve taught. “Take Another Look” examines our role and responsibility in facilitating a social justice lens among novice research students. Through guided activities, the workshop participants will experience first-hand, the power of constructivist activities in generating deep conversations and moments that have the potential to transform new researchers into considering a social justice lens in their inquiry. Perceptions and the Brain is an activity used at the beginning of a research course to help research students recognize and understand how their brain works to interpret the unknown and how as researchers, they need to consider their “lens” as part of the research. The literature review is a part of any research endeavor, but it can be difficult to teach about this fundamental academic and cognitive written outcome. The Literature Review Grid is an activity that engages research students into identifying and supporting the main constructs to be expanded in a literature review to support their research project. Throughout the workshop, the presenters will use tenants of culturally responsive practices in order to remain true to the goal of social justice and equity in our research endeavors.