NSUWorks - The Qualitative Report Conference: Using Internet Browser’s Plug-in as Memento for Participant

Using Internet Browser’s Plug-in as Memento for Participant

Presenter Information

Elodie Crespel


Room 2056

Format Type


Start Date

January 2013

End Date

January 2013


I explored how people share online video. Sharing content online is mundane, hectic and done between other tasks. Remembering the content and how it was shared can be hard. Also, builtin browsing histories have limited search capacity. So, I asked participants to install a plug-in of their choice. With this tool, they can more easily recall what they were doing at the time, and how and why they shared a video. The results from my interviews suggest the use of technology enabled a richer and thicker response from participants.


Breakout Session A

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Jan 18th, 10:35 AM Jan 18th, 10:55 AM

Using Internet Browser’s Plug-in as Memento for Participant

Room 2056

I explored how people share online video. Sharing content online is mundane, hectic and done between other tasks. Remembering the content and how it was shared can be hard. Also, builtin browsing histories have limited search capacity. So, I asked participants to install a plug-in of their choice. With this tool, they can more easily recall what they were doing at the time, and how and why they shared a video. The results from my interviews suggest the use of technology enabled a richer and thicker response from participants.