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In this article Sleeter details how Patricia Leavy pioneered the genre of social fiction. She details the method and the publication of the landmark Social Fictions book series, the first and only series of its kind. Sleeter reviews a handful of Leavy’s acclaimed novels, her own fiction, and other titles in the series. She explains how and why social fiction is significant for the qualitative research community.
Patricia Leavy, social fiction, fiction as research, novels, arts-based research, qualitative writing, writing as method, writing as inquiry, publishing, innovative methods
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Recommended APA Citation
Sleeter, C. (2025). Social fiction: Leavy pioneers a genre. The Qualitative Report, 30(2), 3146-3154. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2025.7943
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Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies Commons, Social Statistics Commons