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Cathy Urquhart's Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide (2nd ed.) provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the grounded theory methodology. The book explores the historical development of grounded theory, its diverse approaches, and applications, empowering readers to make informed decisions about the research method. Urquhart emphasizes the importance of reflexivity, theoretical sensitivity, and the role of the researcher, encouraging a participant-centered approach. The book's coverage of key concepts, practical exercises, and strategies for overcoming challenges make it an indispensable resource for researchers and teachers in fields like information systems and organizational studies. Urquhart also highlights promising avenues for the future development of grounded theory, such as the integration of digital technologies and cross-cultural applications.
grounded theory, qualitative research, organizational studies, research methods, theoretical sensitivity
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Recommended APA Citation
Atmawijaya, T. D. (2024). Towards a Versatile and Impactful Qualitative Research Paradigm: A Comprehensive Guide to Grounded Theory for Organizational Researchers. The Qualitative Report, 29(6), 1542-1547. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2024.7347
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