

This investigation forms part of a doctoral study that examines the relation between socioemotional competencies (SECs) and teachers’ beliefs on the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It addresses religion teachers’ knowledge of SECs during the curricular integration of ICTs, specifically their internal aspects in their pedagogical practice using ICTs (second-order barriers). This study also discusses the characteristics of religion teachers, who have received less attention than teachers of science, language, or mathematics disciplines, partly because religion is not considered a priority area in educational policies. To this end, this study adopted a qualitative approach in the phenomenographic tradition to describe how people experience the phenomena in their environment. The informants were 22 religion teachers from Metropolitan Lima, Peru, who participated in in-depth interviews to clarify their emotional experience with ICTs. The results confirmed the empirical findings of contemporary scientific literature and indicated that teaching with ICTs offers a permanent emotional experience manifested in the planning and development of learning sessions as well as in decision-making for pedagogical purposes. The findings allow for feedback and serve as a catalyst for perseverance and work engagement. However, the informants expressed their desire for better training to carry out quality teaching–learning processes with ICTs in religious education.


secondary school teachers, religious education, social, and emotional learning, educational technology, phenomenograhic research

Author Bio(s)

Mg. Mario Armando Cartagena Beteta earned a D. in Education from the University of Extremadura - Spain, Master in ICT from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a Master in Learning Disabilities from the Universidad Ricardo Palma in Lima - Peru. He is a teacher of Secondary Education specializing in Philosophy and Religion, a teacher of Religion in a public school in Lima - Peru; and a Research Professor and Thesis Advisor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola and Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón (UNIFÉ) in Lima - Peru. He also works in undergraduate and graduate programs. Please direct correspondence to mario.cartagena@usil.pe

Dra. María Pedrera Rodríguez earned a PhD. from the University of Extremadura and a Degree in Pedagogy and Diploma in Teaching from the University of Salamanca. She is currently a professor in the Faculty of Teacher Training at the University of Extremadura and is accredited as a Contratada Doctora. She is a member of the research group Nodo Educativo. She is a specialist in emotional competences and her lines of work are: the study of the emotional charge of narratives in commercial and educational video games, gender in education, the development of emotional competences through ICT, mindfulness and emotional management and collaborative work in learning in Higher Education. She is co-director and speaker in different courses and the masters at the University of Extremadura. She earned an Extraordinary PhD award (2018) from the University of Extremadura. She is the author of several studies in indexed scientific journals, her work has been reflected in different book chapters and was compiled in 2019 in the book Retos y evidencias en la investigación con videojuegos en educación among others. Please direct correspondence to inmapedrera@unex.es

Dr. Francisco Ignacio Revuelta Domínguez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences (Didactics and School Organization Area). His work centers in the Faculty of Teacher Training at the University of Extremadura (Cáceres). He is a member of the research group Nodo Educativo (http://nodoeducativo.net). His line of research in educational technology includes pursuing the improvement of teaching and learning processes through video games, serious games, gamification, e-sports, and maker culture. Please direct correspondence to fird@unex.es

Dra. Edith Soria Valencia is Director of Academic Research at San Ignacio de Loyola University. She earned a D. in Education and a Master in Education and Information and Communication Technologies, with a specialization in E-learning research. Please direct correspondence to edith.soria@usil.pe


This work forms part of a doctoral thesis approved by the Academic Commission of the doctoral program of the University of Extremadura; thus, it follows the recommendations of the Bioethics and Biosafety Committee of the same university. For the development of this study, we had the consent of the informants to whom we are grateful for their collaboration and availability during the collection of information. We also extend our gratitude to the directors and coordinators of the Diocesan Offices of Catholic Education (ODEC), who assisted us to contact the religion teachers.

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