

Dear Readers, we have a question for you: Do you know about the origins and history of the journals you decide to submit your manuscripts to for publication? We are most pleased to present to you an interview with the three Co-Editors-in-Chief of TQR (Ron Chenail, Sally St. George, and Dan Wulff) and David Denborough of the Dulwich Centre delving into the origins of TQR in the early 1990s. The roots of TQR were intertwined with family therapy authors and practitioners (Tom Andersen, Michael White, and many others) and that continues today. We think that you will find these historical relationships and influences to be fascinating and instructive in understanding how one qualitative research journal came into being and how it is positioning itself to go forward. We are using this interview to introduce this special issue on practice-based research, in particular, narrative therapy and research.


family therapy, narrative therapy, qualitative research

Author Bio(s)

David Denborough is a community practitioner and teacher at Dulwich Centre, one of the homes of Narrative Therapy, and Senior Editor of the International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work. In his academic role at the University of Melbourne, David supervises graduate research projects and supports creative research initiatives through the Narrative Practice Research Network (https://narrativepracticeresearch.org/). David can be contacted c/o daviddenborough@dulwichcentre.com.au or david.denborough@unimelb.edu.au

Publication Date


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