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Volume 29 Number 11 - November 2024
Autoethnographic Action Research as a Contemplative Practice: Awareness and Transformation of Inner and Outer Selves
Jiju Varghese, Bal Chandra Luitel, and Niroj Dahal
Enacting Project-Based Learning for Higher Education: An Autoethnographic Study of Online Learning During the Pandemic
Somariah Fitriani
From Climate to Conflict: Unravelling Multidimensional Vulnerabilities of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka
Mahinda Senevi Gunaratne, R. B. Radin Firdaus, Augustine Sosai Sihivaitthasan, Sarjiyanto Sarjiyanto, and Mohd Hafiidz Jaafar
Disrupted Relatedness and Shifting Perceptions of Others: Changing Moods Over Time for People Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder
Joanna Farr, Jonathan A. Smith, and John E. Rhodes