

This study examined the cultural meaning of the ritual tradition for the character of the Osing people, Banyuwangi. The study focused on describing (a) the personal character in ritual tradition, (b) the social character in ritual traditions, and (c) the character values in ritual traditions. This study was qualitative research with the hermeneutic approach to interpret and explain the meaning of ritual tradition by involving three culturalists and community leaders as data resources. The study found that ritual tradition has cultural meaning for Osing people to build (a) personal character, which includes responsible, consistent, caring, sincere in their work, willing to sacrifice, and always grateful, and (b) social character, that includes togetherness and harmony, maintaining safety, and preserving customs. The character values in ritual tradition include perseverance, togetherness, and harmony of Osing people in everyday life. The ritual traditions contain various ideas and values that are useful for shaping the character of society. The rituals instill awareness of the importance of life harmony and teach cultural values and norms to the community, especially the younger generation. These findings were significant for anyone interested in understanding the Osing culture.


character, cultural meaning, hermeneutic approach, Osing people, qualitative study, ritual tradition

Author Bio(s)

Prof. Dr. Imam Suyitno, M.Pd. (Corresponding author) is a full-time lecturer of Indonesian language at Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (UM). He holds a Doctorate degree in Indonesian Language Education at State University of Malang (UM). Yitno teaches in Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Doctorate (S3) Programs. Subjects covered include Language Learning Research, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Cultural Studies, Innovative Language Learning. Please direct correspondence to imam.suyitno.fs@um.ac.id.

Dr. Yuni Pratiwi, M.Pd. is a full-time lecturer of Indonesian language at Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (UM). She holds a Doctorate degree in Indonesian Language Education at State University of Malang (UM). Yuni teaches in Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Doctorate (S3) Programs. Subjects covered include Literature and Drama.

Dr. Kusubakti Andajani, M.Pd. is a full-time lecturer of Indonesian language at Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang (UM). She holds a Doctorate degree in Indonesian Language Education at State University of Malang (UM). Kusubakti teaches in Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Doctorate (S3) Programs. Subjects covered include Literature, Indonesian as Foreign Language, and Research Methodology.

Heni Dwi Arista, M.Pd. is a full-time lecturer of Indonesian language at Faculty of Culture, Universitas Brawijaya Malang (UM). He holds a master’s degree in Indonesian Language Education at State University of Malang (UM). Heni teaches in Bachelor (S1) Programs. The subject is Indonesian for Scientific Purposes and BIPA Courses. In the last two years, she has produced two research projects.


We would like to thank the Osing community leaders in Kemiren and Glagah villages for their willingness to provide information for this research. Also, we thank the Head of the Indonesian Language Education Department, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters, and the Rector UM have provided the opportunity for researchers to conduct this study.

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