

There has never been so much flexibility and organizational capacity to adjust to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on work. This article examines beliefs and perceptions related to new arrangements imposed by compulsory telework on skills and performance management practices, as well as identifying related advantages and disadvantages associated. This paper draws on 17 in-depth interviews using the collaborative interactive action research method. The authors study how leaders acted in multiple ways, aiming to reduce the negative effects on workers and work design and provide greater balance of actions. The perspective of multiple levels of action was adopted, considering human and social behavior and organizational arrangements made at a macro level. The sense of collectivity and the search for the standardization of routines were privileged in the interpretation of the answers. The main results reflect the influence of compulsory telework to performance factors, essential competencies required, and the main advantages and disadvantages associated to the construct. This study is relevant for organization studies, especially in the kinds of organizational contexts where there is still unpreparedness to deal with the effects of the pandemic or have uncoordinated telework practices.


compulsory telework, COVID-19, performance management, competency management, work design, Brazil, interviews, generic qualitative research, narrative, reflection

Author Bio(s)

Yuri de Souza Odaguiri Enes is a PhD student and Master in the Post-Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) at the University of Brasília (UnB). Currently is a member of the Human Resources & Marketing Research Team (HR&M) the Group of Research and Advanced Studies on Organizational Behavior (GepaCO). Has experience in the areas of Relationship Marketing, People Management and Public Administration. Please direct correspondence to yuri.odaguiri@gmail.com.

Mariana Borges Nunes Vieira is a Master's student in the Post-Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) at the University of Brasília (UnB). The main areas of interest are organizational behavior, performance and competencies at work. Currently is an active member of the Group of Research and Advanced Studies on Organizational Behavior (GepaCO). Please direct correspondence to maribnv21@gmail.com.

Francisco Antonio Coelho Junior has a PhD in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Brasilia. Currently, he is an Associate Professor attached to the Department of Administration of the University of Brasília. Also works in the Post-Graduation Program in Administration (PPGA) at the University of Brasilia. Coordinator of the Public Administration graduation course, offered in the distance learning modality (PNAP/UnB), between 2009 and 2011. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Administration at UnB, in the biennium 2013-2015. President of the Post-Graduation Committee, in the Post-Graduation Program in Administration at UnB, between 2013 and 2015. Since 2015, she has been a member of the ANPEPP working group that currently conducts research on the topic of Decent/Worthy Work. Former a member of the Structural Teaching Nucleus (NDE) of the Department of Administration at UnB (2021/2022). Coordinator of the EOGP Axis, at the Department of Administration of UnB, since 2021. Has been the Coordinator of the Research Committee of the Department of Administration since 2021. Reviewer of national and international journals in the fields of administration and organizational and occupational psychology, since 2009. Please direct correspondence to fercoepsi@gmail.com.

Delciene Pereira has a Master in Public Administration from the University of Brasilia (2016), Specialization in Public Management, Specialization in Labor Management and Health Education (UFRN), Bachelor in Administration (UnB). Public Servant of the Federal Executive Branch since 2005, with knowledge and experience in Strategic Planning, Government Planning, Performance Indicators, Corporate Risk Management, People Management (selection processes, people development, team performance management, workforce sizing in the public sector). Please direct correspondence to delpereira.bsb@gmail.com.

Érica Rodrigues Zanon has a Specialist in People Management by ENAP - Brazil (2009). Graduated in Administration from the University of Brasília (1995). Currently composes the career of Administrative Analyst - National Department of Transport Infrastructure. Has experience in the Administration area, with emphasis on Management. Interested in research with emphasis on Quality of Life at Work, with a look at the psychodynamics of work, Work Design, Telework. Special student of the Masters Program in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology and in the Post-Graduation Program in Administration of the University of Brasilia. Please direct correspondence to ericazan@gmail.com.

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