

In the literature places have been defined as First (home), Second (work and school) and Third places (physical and virtual). The present study aims to analyze the perception of inclusion/exclusion that young adults have of the places that they live. The research was conducted using the Photovoice technique and involved 50 young Italian adults. Results highlight how participants perceive some Second and Third places in most cases as inclusive places, even if they highlight the exclusion dimension for some categories of people. We think that reflecting on inclusive/exclusive places can stimulate greater awareness and sense of belonging, which affect well-being.


inclusion place, exclusion place, Photovoice, Italy, young adults

Author Bio(s)

Nadia Rania (ORCID ID:0000-0001-5952-8094; Scopus ID:56370634200) is an Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Genoa, Ph.D. in Research Methods in Human Sciences and Family Mediator. She teaches Psychology of Groups and Community and Methods and techniques of group intervention. Furthermore, she is coordinator of the Ph.D. in Migration and Intercultural Processes. Her main research topics are use of qualitative methods; family relationships; immigration and acculturation processes; well-being and quality of life. Please direct correspondence to nadia.rania@unige.it.

Ilaria Coppola is a Ph.D. student in Migrations and intercultural processes at the University of Genoa. She is a psychologist. Her research interests are aimed at migration process and psychosocial well-being. In particular, she is focused on migrant families, foreign inmates, the development of intercultural competence and the community empowerment.

Laura Pinna is a Ph.D. student in Migrations and intercultural processes at the University of Genoa. She is a Social Worker and her field of training and research concerns migration processes, unaccompanied migrant minors and young offenders, promotion and education of legality and community empowerment. She works as a Civil Servant in the Juvenile Justice Department in Cagliari (Italy) and deals with probation for the Juvenile Court concerning unaccompanied migrant minors and young offenders.


We would like to thank all the participants for their availability and interest in this research in which they took an active part in by sharing their points of view.

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