

The authors of this work reviewed Ranjit Kumar’s book entitled Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners (3rd ed.). This book can provide desirable skills for readers regarding writing a successful research project and implementing research methods with confidence. It goes beyond teaching students how to conduct academic qualitative and quantitative research. It can also be adapted to various projects that scholars will encounter throughout their careers.


qualitative, research methodology

Author Bio(s)

Mr. Robson Mekonnin Shiferaw is assistant professor at Haramaya University, Ethiopia and a PhD candidate in Management at Jimma University, Ethiopia. Please direct correspondence to robsonkee@gmail.com.

Mr. Addisalem Tadesse Bogale is a Lecturer at Ambo University, Ethiopia and a PhD candidate in Management at Jimma University, Ethiopia.

Kenenisa Lemi Debela (PhD in Management from Punjabi University, India), associate professor of management and Vice President for Administration and Student Affairs of Jimma University.


We acknowledge Jimma University College of Business and Economics and our instructor for the course qualitative research method.

Publication Date


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