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In this paper we discuss emergent cross-cutting themes across a series of educational intervention projects in which practitioners-in-training adopted and adapted in their proposals and work design the logic of ethnographic experimental collaboration (XCOL) and participatory action research (PAR) (Clark, 2010; Estalella & Sánchez-Criado, 2018) perspectives. We were involved in three interventions developed in Madrid (Spain) across formal and informal learning contexts as part of the internship/practicum of future educational psychologists. Our work was designed in response to the identified needs and demands of the internship sites. Yet, as educational interventions, they were explicitly conceptualized and implemented in ways that depart substantially from the common expectations of process-product educational intervention and dominant ways, at least in Spain, of constructing educational accountability (cf. Berliner, 1989; Gage & Needels, 1989). We unpack four themes relevant across the three projects, which emerged from our joint discussions of the three interventions: (a) how "outcomes/results" are reconstructed in XCOL/PAR educational interventions, (b) the transformations in our emergent professional identities, (c) the place of different materialities and expressive media in the work we planned (d) how space-time constraints were construed in our unfolding projects.
experimental collaboration, participatory research, educational intervention, professional development, gender socialization
We would like to thank the reviewers and journal editorial team for their careful comments and support in the development of this manuscript.
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Recommended APA Citation
Poveda, D., Morgade, M., Cruz, I., Piñeiro, N., & Gallego, R. (2021). Ethnographic "Experimental Collaborations" As Practitioner Methodology. The Qualitative Report, 26(5), 1476-1496. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4452
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