

Cloud-based tools are increasingly used in research processes. In this paper, we illustrate the practice of one research team making use of multiple cloud-based applications in preparing, analyzing, and sharing research data, as well as in collaborative writing and display of results. Important research ethics considerations are also explored as a foundation for this practice. We believe that our detailed description of the steps involved can be of help to researchers, particularly novice researchers who may lack research funds to have qualitative interviews transcribed. This mashed-up use of free cloud-based software makes data preparation from qualitative interviews cost-effective, more efficient, thorough, and collaborative.


data preparation, cloud-based tools, collaborative writing, protection of privacy

Author Bio(s)

Tim Hopper (Ph.D., University of Victoria) is a Professor in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education. Please direct correspondence to thopper@uvic.ca.

Hong Fu (Ph.D., University of Victoria) is a Research Associate and Sessional Instructor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Please direct correspondence to fuhong@uvic.ca.

Kathy Sanford (Ph.D., University of Victoria) is a Professor and Interim Graduate Advisor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Please direct correspondence to ksanford@uvic.ca.

Thiago Alonso Hinkel (M.A., University of Victoria) is a doctoral student in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Please direct correspondence to thiagohinkel@uvic.ca.

Publication Date


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