

The purpose of this manuscript is to explicate the metaphor analysis process we employed in a recent study to make this methodology more accessible to future researchers. To explain and demystify metaphor analysis as a method, we describe in detail the three rounds of data analysis leading to findings. We seek to make transparent the messiness and thoughtfulness of the refining process as well as the methodological rigor and trustworthiness. In the discussion that follows, researchers share experiences with and resulting insights into the methodology in hopes of providing future researchers with support for their own metaphor analysis work.


metaphor methodology, metaphor analysis, collaboration, trustworthiness

Author Bio(s)

Dr. Donita Shaw is a professor of Literacy Education in the School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences at Oklahoma State University. Her research interests focus on adult literacy and teacher education, with a specific focus on metaphors of literacy. Please direct correspondence to donita.shaw@okstate.edu.

Dr. Sue Christian Parsons is an associate professor of Literacy Education in the School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences at Oklahoma State University. Her research focuses on dialogue as pedagogy, representation of diverse perspectives in literature for children and young adults, and teacher preparation. Please direct correspondence to sue.parsons@okstate.edu.

Dr. Sheri Vasinda is associate professor of Literacy Education in the School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences at Oklahoma State University. Her research focuses on the intersections of literacy and technology to support readers and writers who struggle, multiliteracies, new literacies, and teacher preparation. Please direct correspondence to sheri.vasinda@okstate.edu.

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