

The main objective of this research is to analyse the Plan for Coexistence at a Spanish Secondary School and its implementation from the perspective of an inclusive model of school management. Beginning with a theoretical review of different national and international contributions centred on inclusive education and the improvement of school coexistence, we have chosen a qualitative methodology that will enable us to listen and to give a voice to the main members of the school community: students and teachers. We show how the Citizenship Plan follows an inclusive focus, enhancing the participation of the whole community in the different activities that it proposes and how these activities influence student learning. We therefore follow international patterns for inclusive education: culture, politics, and educational practice. As a result, an improvement in the participation of the school community improves the school atmosphere. This participation should be brought about in an efficient and active way, not only by informing, but also by actually taking part in the educational project of the students and in its social setting.


Coexistence, Inclusion, Participation, Inclusive Cultures, Qualitative Research, Semi-Structured Interviews

Author Bio(s)

Gustavo González-Calvo holds a Degree in PE´s Primary Education, a Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Education. He works as a teacher in a public primary school in Spain, and he works as a university part-time Junior Lecturer and researcher in the University of Valladolid (Spain). Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: Dr. Gustavo González-Calvo, Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal, Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Educación de Palencia. Avenida de Madrid, 44. 34004, Palencia, España; Phone: +34 647545915; Email: gustavo.gonzalez@uva.es.

David Hortigüela Alcalá. PhD in Education. Director of the Department of Body Expression Didactics at the University of Burgos (Sapin). Expert in formative and shared assessment, active and participatory methodologies in education and qualitative research. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to: dhortiguela@ubu.es.

Alejandra Hernando-Garijo. PhD in Education. Expert in bilingual methodology, pedagogical models in physical education and psychomotor skills in the early stages. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to: ahgarijo@ubu.es.

Ángel Pérez-Pueyo. PhD in Sport Science. Expert in the treatment of competences in education and the design of curricular proposals that allow schools to work collaboratively. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to: angel.perez.pueyo@unileon.es.

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