

Experiences that influence and shape an individual’s pedagogical commitments serve as a unique lens to conceptualize professional transformation. This narrative provides an autobiographical account of the author’s journey from student to teacher. The article, which is divided into two distinct, but tightly connected narratives, draws on this tradition to examine and develop a more nuanced understanding of those life experiences influencing the author’s complex journey as an educator. Each narrative begins with a short autobiographical reflection highlighting significant life moments and histories. Second, critical and post-structuralist theory is interwoven to examine ways the author conceptualizes the significance of the experiences captured in each reflection. Finally, each narrative concludes with discussion focused on how these experiences currently shape the author’s work as an educator.


Autobiography, Narrative Inquiry, Teacher Education

Author Bio(s)

Dr. Philip Bernhardt is Associate Professor of Secondary Education at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. His professional development interests and expertise include co-teaching, backwards design, performance assessment, effective instructional practices, new teacher mentoring and induction, and supporting middle and high schools establish course placement norms to help students access advanced-level coursework. Dr. Bernhardt has spent almost two decades working in public schools, including eight years as a secondary social studies teacher working in co-taught classrooms. He also has experience as an AVID teacher and has coached soccer and basketball at a number of high schools in the Washington, DC area. Dr. Bernhardt has presented at numerous national and regional conferences on the barriers to higher education, academic tracking, teacher professional development, curriculum design and assessment, teacher education program design and teacher preparation, induction, and mentoring. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: pbernhar@msudenver.edu.

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