

A teaching practicum is officially offered to pre-service English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, randomly selected for either urban or rural schools. The study aims to describe and disseminate the obstacles experienced by those teaching English in rural schools during their Teaching Practicum Program (TTP). Seventeen pre-service teachers participated in the qualitative study. Interviews and observations were the main methods of data collection. The results reveal that the obstacles faced by the pre-service EFL teachers were around classroom management, learning materials or resources, teaching aids or media, teaching methods, learners' English skills, choice of language use, slow internet connectivity, learners' motivation, evaluation technique and parental support. The discussion includes implication for need to reorganize future teaching practicum.


Pre-service EFL Practicum, Obstacles, Descriptive Qualitative

Author Bio(s)

Heri Mudra is a senior lecturer and a researcher at English Language Department of State Islamic Institute of Kerinci, Indonesia. He has six-year experience as a mentor of Teaching Practicum Program (TPP). He is currently a Ph.D student in English Language Pedagogy at State University of Padang, Indonesia. He has also published in several national and international journals and attended several international conferences. His research interests include English Language Teaching (ELT) methods, technology in ELT, applied linguistics, and action research. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: herimudra1985@gmail.com.


I would like to thank the participants due to their best work during the teaching practicum.

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