

This article provides an innovative meta-framework comprising strategies designed to guide qualitative data collection in the 21st century. We present a meta-framework comprising strategies for collecting data from interviews, focus groups, observations, and documents/material culture. We present a template for collecting nonverbal data during interviews and discuss the concept of debriefing the interviewer. We identify types of data that can be collected in focus groups in addition to the actual statements made by the participants and provide templates for categorizing these data. Also, we outline the role that social networking websites can play in focus group interviews. Further, we provide models for observations that include photographs and videos. Finally, we outline ways of accessing and collating documents/material culture that can be used for document analyses.


Qualitative Research, Qualitative Data Collection, Debriefing, Interviews, Focus Groups, Observations, Nonverbal Data, Documents, Material Culture, and Computer-Mediated Communication

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
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