The Development of United States Special Forces In Response to the Perceived Cold War Threat

Researcher Information

Michael E. Rosenzweig

Project Type


Start Date

4-4-2008 12:00 AM

End Date

4-4-2008 12:00 AM

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Apr 4th, 12:00 AM Apr 4th, 12:00 AM

The Development of United States Special Forces In Response to the Perceived Cold War Threat

In the early period of the Cold War, the United States felt compelled to develop a Special Warfare capability in response to a perceived Soviet aggression. This “Special Warfare” capability was combined with psychological, unconventional and guerrilla tactics to foment social, economic and political unrest in the Soviet Union and its satellite states. The battle for the third world influence and prevention of the domino principle was primary forum for these clandestine units to operate to spread American ideals across the world. My symposium is designed to address three specific topics. The first is to address the perception of the United States and their response to the myths or realities of perceived Soviet aggression. Secondly, to address what is Special Warfare and to determine whether it was successful in promoting not only U.S. interests abroad, but stopping the spread of communism. The last point of my presentation is to verify if Special Warfare capabilities contributed to the goal of promoting a safer society during and after the Cold War.