"Dreaming (in) the Republic: Reassessing Enrique Labrador Ruíz’s Traile" by Yvette Fuentes

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Author Bio(s)

Yvette Fuentes, Ph.D., associate professor at the college, earned a B.A. in History from Barry University in 1991, an M.A. in Spanish History from the University of Miami in 1993, and a Ph.D. in Spanish, with an emphasis on Latin-American literature, in 2002, also from the University of Miami. Her research interests include Latin-American women writers, Hispanic-Caribbean literature, and U.S.-Latino/a literature and culture. Some of her publications have appeared in Anthuriam: A Caribbean Studies Journal, Caribe: Revista de Cultura y Literatura, Texturas: Nuevas Dimensiones del Texto y de la Imagen, and Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora.