Front Matter
Front Pages
none none
Table of Contents
none none
Introduction Page
none none
Presidents Letter
Rex Purvis
The Boyce R. Williams Award
Rex Purvis
1978 Bell Ringer Award
none none
Notes from the Editor
Editor's Page
Sue E. Ouellette
An Open Letter to ADARA Members
Ben Barker
Keynote Address from Object to Subject
Hilde S. Schesomger
The Role of Action Research in Services for Deaf Alcoholics
Alexander Boros
Deafness and Alcoholism
Richard G. Hetherington
Special Problems of the Hard of Hearing
Pamela L. Jackson
Modern Hearing Aid Fitting
Vernon C. Bragg
Special Problems of Aged Deaf Persons
James T. Flood
Deaf Action Centers Senior Citizen Program
Elizabeth C. Criswell
Aging and Deafness
Donna Johnson
Columbus Colony- A National Prototype Community
Michael F. Nader
The Role of the Worker for the Deaf
Louis J. Bettica
Counseling the Usher’s Syndrome Deaf-Blind Individual
Louis J. Bettica
Deaf-Blind: The Role of the Deaf Community
Laura J. Thomas
Public Law 94-142
Mervin D. Garretson
Employment and Post Employment Practices
Robert R. Lauritsen
Post-Employment Services
Curtis Groth
ADARA 1978 Conference
none none
Parental Concerns
Bonnie Fairchild
Consumers and Political Action
Sy DuBow
Aram L. Terzian
Funding a TTY Project
Richard C. Torbert
An Experimental RF Subcarrier System to Provide a Mass Communication System for the Deaf
Karen M. Bellefleur and Philip A. Bellefleur